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What is this?

Lower World Story is a tactical RPG that I've been openly developing and vlogging about since July 2020. This is the game's first public demo. 

The purpose of this demo is to collect feedback about the game's (fairly experimental) tactical combat system. While the final game will feature a more involved narrative, this demo will only include some jokey dialogue and basic combat scenarios in bleak empty fields. 

All art, UI, narrative, and sound design is temporary and will very likely see major improvements in future iterations of the game.

"Experimental Combat System"

"Massimo, what's so f-ing 'unique' about this combat system anyway?" I hear someone ask in a voice that sounds suspiciously like my own. "I'm glad you asked!" I reply with a wink and a grin. Lower World Story aims to take the approachable tactical gameplay of games like Fire Emblem and Into the Breach and introduce turn-based time management gameplay inspired by fighting games. For example, each action characters can perform will take different amounts of time to start-up and endlag; slower actions might be stronger, but enemies will be able to walk right out them before they land, and they'll leave you vulnerable to retaliation! Mechanics like these lead to interesting tactical gameplay that demands forward thinking, enemy prediction, and careful positioning (even against the simplest of obstacles)! 

But it's up to you to judge whether this demo actually lives up to that description. And if it doesn't, well, that's the whole point of doing a demo! I highly encourage you to leave your feedback below; tell me exactly why my game is terrible so I can make it not be that! 

Still, I did put in some effort to make this demo fun enough to be worth your time. If the gameplay described above sounds compelling I'm sure the game will at least provide an interesting experience. Even if you don't plan on leaving feedback it would still be really cool if you gave the game a shot (or shared it with someone who might be interested)! I'm not just trying to get free alpha playtesting, I swear!

Follow the game's development

If you're interested in following any future development, check out my new blog.

You can also check out the game's existing video devlogs.

I also post updates on my twitter.

Release date
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for PC

Edit the game info
Last Modified: Jul 26, 2021

Where to buy
