Ludum Creare
You have 72 hours to create a game.
A game created for Ludum Dare in 72 hours about creating a game for Ludum Dare in 72 hours.
Solve programming bugs and then defeat those bugs in turn based combat while traversing through a FTL-inspired map with unique scenarios.
Keep your sanity and energy levels above 0 to keep the game alive.
ControlsUp / Down or W / S to scroll through the map
Mouse and 1 / 2 / 3 for everything else
Credits Designer / ProgrammerJon Topielski /
Music / SFXMafgar /
Art / EnemiesDatz /
Patch 1.01 - Tiny bug fix regarding scenarios affecting the wrong statuses.
Patch 1.02 - Fixed frame rate issue affected timing of main combat feature on web builds
Patch 1.03 - Fixed percentage issue with stats changes