Lunar Depot 38
Oh, no! Angels are pouring down from space, interfering with the creative process and also threatening to burst through this strange door...
Better get out your fish gun and lend a hand!
Short platformer done in 72 hours for the Ludum Dare 38 Jam! The theme was "small world", so here's a game that takes place on a small world. I'd always wanted to try something like this — an actual round world that also wraps around physically. I'm really pleased with how it came out! Also I never want to do trigonometry every again.
Starring the artistic, musical, storytelling, character design, and myriad other talents of glitchedpuppet, without whom this game would just be a tech demo with a recycled sprite wandering around a slightly lumpy circle.
Set in Flora. Somewhere.
Works with keyboard or gamepad. The controls are right on the title screen this time.
Linux users, be sure you have LÖVE 0.10.2!
Soundtrack on Bandcamp
Source code on GitHub
Ludum Dare submission on Ludum Dare