Lush is an action-adventure platformer where you play as Jane, on a mission to find her lost wife. The game has three areas, boss fights, and RPG-like conversations. With a gripping story and challenging obstacles, Lush is sure to provide an unforgettable gaming experience.
- Castle Pause Music Artist: Kistol
- Castle In-Game Music Artist: Trevor Lentz
- Gore Pause Music Artist: Brandon75689
- Gore In-Game Music Artist: Brandon Morris
- Sewer In-Game Music Artist: smark
- Sewer Pause Music Artist: Spargus
- Shop Music Artist: Philippe Groarke
- Player Character Sprites Artist: WishForgeGames
- Snail Enemy Artist: WishForgeGames
- Elf NPC Artist: Robert Norenberg
- Woman NPC Artist: WishForgeGames
- Ghost Enemy Artist: Ansimuz
- Coin Sprites Artist: GrafxKid
- Door Sprite Artist: Robert Norenberg
- Some Particles Artist: PixelFrog
- More UI Icons Artist: WishForgeGames
- Controller Prompts Artist: Xelu
- Some Fonts Artist: Kenney
- Monogram Font Artist: DataGoblin