Magnets, Mechs, and Madness!
GoalSurvive as long as you can from the endless wave of enemies!
MechanicsAim your mouse cursor onto a desired enemy and hold the button to start pulling them in! Once successful, the enemy's guns are now yours! Watch where you aim the magnet, as you can have the enemy attach to the side of your magnet or even behind it if you rotate it as it's being pulled in!
ControlsLeft Mouse Button - Magnet
(Press and hold when the mouse is hovering over an enemy to reel them in)Right Mouse Button - Fire
(This fires all guns attached to your mech! Each gun has limited ammo)W, A, S, D Keys - Movement
Allan Phan - "Ace Catel"
Game Designer, Co-Programmer, Co-Artist
(The person who is posting this project)
Clifford Tull - "ComboSmooth"
Main Artist
Jacob van Tol - "Jabob"
Jord Nguyen
Sound Designer