Manual Self-Destruction

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Manual Self-Destruction, or MSD, is a third-person shooter speedrun friendly game which put the player in command of a remote droid on a lunar space city. 

Global informations

The latter will have to evolve through the different levels by eliminating threats, solving jumping puzzles, exploring a city that has become a ghost town and smashing badass boss. As tools, the player has at his disposal a multitude of rifles with multiple effects, a propulsion engine that allows him to move vertically in his environment and a plugin-based improvement system. 

Mixing action and exploration, MSD offers a run lasting up to 30 minutes that will take the player into an absurd science-fiction universe. Indeed, the story is about preventing an evil artificial intelligence from destroying the Earth. It has taken control of the lunar cities and will soon get its hands on the Moon's super cannon. To stop it, the Earth Government has recruited the latest winner of the "LIXth Intergalactic Fortnite Tournament" to remotely control droids which are in the lunar cities.


Graphically, the game is colorful and in low-poly which gives a 3D cartoon look. The main colors are navy blue and cyan, which are the colors of the droids that the player controls.

Gameplay details

In terms of the pace of the story and the player's progress, this will consist of a run of up to thirty minutes during which the player must complete the game as quickly as possible without depleting their droid stock. If he destroys all of them or exceeds the time limit, it is game over. The levels and missions are always in the same order, but the composition of the enemies, abilities and equipment are random. 

But where is the fun ? First of all, from the first run the player has to make a lot of quick decisions in order not to lose his gun fight. He has to be careful which weapon he picks up depending on the situation and how to move around the battlefield according to it. In addition, he is also equipped with his dash which adds speed and physics management to the gameplay. 

As far as gun fights are concerned, these are thought to be of a varied nature thanks to the level design and the diversity of the weapons.

Weapons that don't have much ammunition and are not rechargeable, which forces the player to go and pick up those on his enemies that have been shot down. Thus the player is obliged to maintain a certain proximity with threats.

Finally, MSD can take the aspect of "3D bullet hell" in certain situations, which will increase the pressure by peaks and push the player to its limits.

Then comes the linked to the evolution of the user experience as the runs progress.

During his first runs the player will be busy discovering the controls of the droid, learning the basic mechanics and finishing the game for the first time.

After that, he will focus on exploring the map, analyzing and hypothesizing about how weapons actually work, discovering new plugins and deciphering boss behavior.

Finally, he will evolve in known land in his end-game runs and will try to optimize his time with his new knowledge. At the same time, a "resource management" aspect develops with the use or preservation of the healing packs and legendary weapons arranged in each level.


The last fun aspect of MSD is competitiveness. The real goal of the game is the speedrun, which explains the short duration of the game and the RNG elements that facilitate replayability.

Once the player has correctly taken control of the game, the only goal left is to make a better time than the others. While not everyone is sensitive to competition, there is no denying the importance of "PvP" in the life of a game.


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Release date
Age rating
Not rated

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Last Modified: Apr 10, 2020

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