Mars Rover Spirit
"Mars Rover Spirit" is a very generous story-tale about rover Spirit which was sended by Nasa on mars to explore mars and search for sign of past life .
Spirit far outlasted his planned 90-day mission. Among his throng discoveries, Spirit founded evidence that Mars was once much wetter than it is today and helped scientists to better understand the Martian climate .
This is a Sci-Fi visual novel game with a little bit Roleplay where the choice is yours. It holds amazing sound effects whereas it also contains the voice effects for the characters.
It is absolutely free but if you think to sell it to someone, do not forget to share the earnings.
It was my visual novel video game . I spent much more time on the research process to get the true information there , it was an interactive comic for me. For the development process also I spent much more time than I thought. I hope you will enjoy it !.
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