Master Blast: Sobrevivência
"In the year 2890 AD, an orbital patrol ship piloted by pilot" X "came across a strange triangle-shaped craft as it approached the craft to inspect the triangle craft began to offend toward it, on instinct the "X" pylon fired a "blast" energy ball, destroyed the triangle ship instantly, at this moment the pilot "X" confused if he really knew what that ship was, how much he was preparing to report the incident , dozens of ships materialized in front of him, the ships began to chase him, X fires several times towards the "Trinaves", destroyed nine of them, one of them approached and I cause some damage to the ship's fuselage, X with pilot being one Skillful pilot managed to dodge and destroy the Trinave.
In a moment of relief, he thought it was over, when 20 Trinaves surrounded him, he dodges, fires and destroys 15, 5 ships arrested him causing serious damage to X's ship, the only option was to use an experimental system called "TIME". RECALL ", which in use made him go back in time just before the emergence of the Trinaves but seriously damaged, he uses the Blast shot to blast a nearby asteroid to use the metals for the ship and repair itself at this time with the regenerated ship. X stands in front of him waiting for the Trinaves to emerge, it doesn't take long for the 20 Trinaves to appear and then without mercy uses his most powerful weapon, the MASTER BLAST, a powerful beam of energy, destroying all Trinaves and asteroids. Thinking it was finally over, another fifty Trinaves appeared around her.
So Master Blast: Survival, survive if you can.
In this short story I described the skills of the ships, and as you can see theoretically the game would never end, but players will be able to finish the game if they survive 100 hours playing, which is virtually impossible.