Mech Builder (itch)
This is a prototype of a game for the Mech Jam II (MechJam II - Following the optional theme "Build it, then use it", it is a mech builder (multiple weapons can be added to the mech to test). It is a prototype. The main part is the editor where multiple weapons with different settings can be added to the mech. The enemies are only two tanks than aim to the player, but do not shoot and cannot be destroyed by the player. It is just a small battlefield to test the different weapons.
Combat phase:
WASD to move
Mouse pointer to aim
Left Mouse button primary weapon
Right Mouse button secondary weapon
After creating a new weapon use WASD to move and QE to rotate.
Select weapon in the list to change rate of fire and type (the damage level is not actually used so far in the prototype).
Graphic designer:
Sound Artist:
Developer: kamaleon70 -
Libraries used:
SFML Fast Multimedia Library: SFML (
TGUI library: TGUI: Texus' Graphical User Interface
Font from Google Fonts