MECHA HEARTS is a 4-player card-based game about a group of mech pilots facing problems together, learning about each other's fears and dreams, and tackling a huge final challenge with only each other at their backs.
Each rulebook includes instructions for play as well as short prompts to match with cards in a deck. Players will go through four rounds of prompt-based discussion and roleplay (if they so choose), followed by a dangerous final confrontation-- from which some of their pilots may not return.
MECHA HEARTS is intended for single- or few-session gameplay, and is built for GM-less 4-player games. There are optional rules for fewer players, but a table of no fewer than 3 is recommended.
To play this game you will need: 3-4 Players, a deck of playing cards (jokers excluded), something to serve as tokens.
This download contains: A simple ruleset, including the basic rules for the 4-pilot game, and an advanced ruleset, which has players also taking on the role of each other's mech AIs.
Content Warnings:
Death, Violence, Body Modification