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Mechalopolis is a game of defeat. It's crushingly hard, and you will not win. It has infinite waves of randomly selected enemies to destroy you. If you manage to defeat them before they crush you, you'll be rewarded with a meager amount of resources. Collect enough of these resources, and you'll be able to craft some repair kits to buff out all that damage you're taking. If you have some scraps leftover, you can spend them on some consumable devices to help you take down your enemies. If that's not good enough, spend your hard earned change on some permanent system upgrades.

So how do you win? Well there is no end game exactly, but if you can manage to craft every system upgrade, and have 1 of each device and repair kit, I'll call you champ.

This game was created for JamCraft 2 game jam, so it may not feel like a complete game (lack of music for example). This is the current build made for the game jam.

A tool tip is used to display a lot of information, and the Android version is not optimized for this. You can still get the tool tip by tapping and holding over something.

Art was done by Jean "Wrecked Limo" Matfield. You can check out his blog and more from him here.

Programming was done by Jason Hutson, and you can find his work here.

A big thanks to Oscar Nyberg, @ockenyberg, for some awesome last minute help with doing all the audio.

Release date
Wrecked Limo
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for PC

System requirements for Android

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Last Modified: Aug 28, 2019

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