Average Playtime: 8 hours

Meltys Quest

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Meltys Quest is about the journey our protagonist, Princess Meltys takes to save the world. Meltys is a girl who has fooled around all her life, not giving a hoot about anything but herself. But one day the Grolido Monster Empire invades her country, destroys her home, and kidnaps her three sisters. With no castle and no one else to call for help, Meltys decides,
"Well, I'll like somehow fix everything!"
Please warmly watch over Meltys and guide her on this light-hearted, sometimes comical, and sometimes serious, but always erotic, quest to save the world.
Over 50 scenes with full screen CGs
Over 20 costumes for Meltys to dress up in
Multiple endings
Kogal Mode - Recommended for players who want to experience the game's plot and "plot" as soon as possible.
Princess Mode - Recommended for players who want a little extra gameplay challenge.
Meltys Quest can be played using keyboard only, mouse plus keyboard, or XInput game controller.
However, it is recommended that you have access to a keyboard during the scenes for the keyboard-only functions.
Meltys Quest is made with RPG Maker MV, which isn't known to work well with older computers or laptops. Please make sure to test the game out first.

Release date
Happy Life
Age rating
18+ Adults Only

System requirements for PC

  • OS: Windows 7
  • Processor: 2+ GHz processor
  • Memory: 4 GB RAM
  • Graphics: Not an integrated video card; DirectX 9/OpenGL 4.1 capable GPU
  • DirectX: Version 9.0
  • Storage: 2 GB available space
  • Additional Notes: Might experience a few seconds of lag accessing menus or loading new maps.
  • OS: Windows 7
  • Processor: 3+ GHz processor
  • Memory: 8 GB RAM
  • Graphics: Not an integrated video card; DirectX 9/OpenGL 4.1 capable GPU
  • DirectX: Version 9.0
  • Storage: 2 GB available space
  • Additional Notes: Installing the game on a SDD is highly recommended.
Edit the game info
Last Modified: Feb 8, 2023

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The Love Doctor
Defeat Dark Globbers while only using Love Shot or Love Wave to do damage.
Mano a Mano
Defeat Dark Limey using only Strike skills, Guard or Items.
Lucky Sevens
Have exactly 7 in all three cream related experiences.
See all six endings.
Love Conquers All
Defeat the final boss while only using Love Shot or Love Wave to do damage to the final boss.
view all achievements
38 items

Meltys Quest reviews and comments

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Microsoft from Deutsch
Melty'S Quest is an RPG with a strong Focus on "Sexual Content" from Remtairy and Happy Life. EDIT: Thank you Steam for finally being uncensored. Melty'S Quest, in particular, does this very well. Story You take on the Role of Melty, the 4th Princess of the Kingdom of Rothstein, who is currently under attack by Monsters. Your 3 older Sisters will also be kidnapped and your beautiful Castle will be razed to the Ground. Since the King seems to be too old, he will send you unceremoniously to save your Sisters. But That suits you quite well, because you still have an Invoice with the enemy commander open Anyway. But It turns out quite quickly that saving the Sisters could become a bit more complicated than initially thought. Away from the Main Story, there are still some Side Quests and Sidestories to discover and complete, all of which are made quite nice. The overall Action is quite absurd in many Places, but still manages to put one in a certain Spell. This is not least because most of the Characters are quite sympathetic, even the enemy Bosses, who sometimes have a short Chat with you before the Fight. In Addition, the Game also shows a certain Humor, which clearly shows that the Game does not take itself too seriously, but which does not drip into the Ridiculous. Gameplay is Controlled the Game by Keyboard and/or Mouse. Meltys can be moved on the Map using WASD as well as by simply clicking the Mouse where it should go. Fighting is then round-based. There are 5 Actions at your disposal, Attacking, using skills, using Items, fleeing or giving up. Should you give up or just lose it like that, the pornographic Part of the Game becomes obvious. Der/the Winners (in) then enjoy themselves with our Heroine and let them run afterwards. As a result, there is no Game Over. Meltys simply collects sexual Experience in the appropriate Area and her "S-Level" rises (whoever plays it or watches the Screenshots on the Shop Page knows what the S Stands for). This makes it possible to wear more Outfits in the Course of The Game, because some require a certain S-Level (you also need a certain S-Level for many Side Quests). Wins Melty'S a Fight there is classic Gold, Items and Experience. The latter increases the normal Level and thus the Values. In addition, the Outfits also gain Experience. Achieving this a certain Value, the Princess learns a new Ability. Whoever manages to contest the Game to a certain Point without raising the S-Level gets a quite unique Costume and whoever Finishes the Game with an S-Level of 0 gets to see a special Ending. In total, there are 6 different Endings (depending on the S-Level and The construction Stage of the new Lock), which means that there is a certain Replay value. After the first play through, the New Game + Mode is available, which makes the Opponents stronger. The Tutorial Boss in particular then has it all in him and is even challenging on Melty'S Maximallevel. Graphics From the Look, it's a typical RPG Maker Game, so you shouldn't expect too much. However, the character and Opponent Design is very pretty, with female Characters clearly designed for a more male Audience. Each Boss has several Artworks in Combat that alternate with declining Lives. In Addition, there are more than 20 Outfits for Melty'S as well as more than 50 (Hentai) scenes, each consisting of 5-15 Individual Pictures and of high quality. All Scenes can also be easily unlocked at the End of the Game by talking to an NPC, so it's not bad if you've missed one in the Game. Sound The Soundtrack is ok, but nothing more. He does not annoy, but already makes a Mood on the Game, but is also very quickly forgotten again. The Characters, unfortunately, are not set to music, which I would have liked to have done with Meltys at Least. For this, every Half-Renaissance scene is neatly rumbled around, whether you think that's good or bad everyone should decide for themselves. Verdict Melty'S Quest Surprised me positively on pretty much all Points. It has a solid RPG Gameplay Base that's really Fun, plus a Story that goes OK and good Elaborated Artworks. In my Opinion, it is one of the best Games on Steam titled "Sexual Content." The current Price of £20 is too high, in my View. I got it in The Wintersale for €132, which I think is fine. So It's best to wait for the next Sale and then strike. If the Review has helped you fall then follow our Review Program and if you want to tell me something about this Review then he likes to write in the Comments.
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