Average Playtime: 2 hours

Memento Mori

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Where am I and who am I... I don't remember anything..

This is a four-person portfolio developed game, an immersive VR room escape game that escapes from unidentified spaces with a little creepy atmosphere.


Having been caught in an unidentified place, I decide to escape from this place first.

However, looking at the things that I vaguely remember in the middle of the process, I have a lot of thoughts..


  • You can experience an empty horror atmosphere that is immersed and overwhelmed through VR.

  • You can feel the catharsis of surprise.

  • Find the items you need to escape and perform gimmicks and quizzes.

  • You can achieve small achievements through nonsense quizzes and gimmicks.

  • You can find traces of the past by getting your collection through hints everywhere, not just escape.

  • It takes about 30 minutes to an hour of play time and is a VR game enjoyed as a short piece.

  • Get all your collection and find a true ending.

Release date
Bohemia Interactive
Shea Kelly
Alekzandar Voynikov
Squirrel Club
Bohemia Interactive, WolfWare Studios, Squirrel Club
Age rating
17+ Mature

System requirements for PC

  • OS: Windows 10
  • Storage: 3 GB available space
  • VR Support: Meta Quest 2, Meta Quest 3
Edit the game info
Last Modified: Jan 27, 2025

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Dead by Daylight All Killers Memento Mori Animation
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Dead by Daylight All Killers Memento Mori
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Dead By Daylight - Michael Myers Memento Mori (Killer + Surv POV)
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Dead by Daylight | All Killers Memento Mori Animation Vol5
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Memento Mori 2 Gameplay (PC HD)
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The Demogorgon - Memento Mori 3rd person & first person view. Patch 3.2.0
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Memento Mori reviews and comments

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Microsoft from Deutsch
Colonel Ostankovic is on the Verge of being Honoured as an outstanding Member of the Russian Militia. His Area of Responsibility is to Supervise the Artworks in the Hermitage in St. Petersburg. Unfortunately, just before his big Day, one of the Collection's most famous Paintings disappears. Ostankovic is asking former Russian Policewoman Lara for Help. Lara now works at Interpol and has been entrusted with Art Robbery there. In addition, he has the former Forger Maxim At his Hand, who has to work for him in order not to be arrested again. The Story is played alternately from Lara'S and Maxime's Perspective, plus different Places of action. Genretypical is about solving small Puzzles and combining Objects to move forward in the Action. Lara and Max are in Contact with Each other Via e-mail and mobile phone and can also communicate with the Colonel via these Paths. Above all, he wants one thing: To keep The Art Robbery and its Consequences secret, so as not to endanger his own Promotion. The Game has beautifully designed Backgrounds and also the Depiction of the historical Paintings has been well implemented. Especially when you consider that» Memento Mori «is already reaching the eight Years. Unfortunately, the Characters and, in some cases, the Objects in the Game look shabby Even for old age. The Hair in particular is painted on and the Animations have been very cumbersome and hairy in places. On a Positive note, however,» Memento Mori «is not equipped with an infinite, super-comengaged Inventory like many other genre representatives. In the Pockets of the Figures comes only, which also fits into Pockets. Everything else they carry in their Hands and are thus blocked for a Moment to pick things up or use. The Game offers cutscenes in the Transitions between the individual Files, where the Developers have also made an Effort. They are visually at the Height of the Time and very appealing. The Operation is solid Point ' n ' Click. However, the Cursor is sometimes inaccurate and it takes a little trying To get to the Exact place you are looking for. In addition, the Exits On the Cards have been placed partially incongruous to illogical, so you tend to click on the wrong Card. In order to use the Objects, there is only the Possibility of the left or right Mouse button, in other words: An Object can only be used or examined in one Way. Combination takes place in The Inventory and is largely logical, but in places degenerates into the Friemel Work, for Example, when Lara uses a new Battery Into her Mobile phone. The Game has been musically understated and appropriately underpinned. A Highlight is the Scene at the Russian Disco, where Russian Punk rock is actually played. The Sound Effects, on the other hand, are partly time-shifted to the Events. The Voiceover is good, but some Speakers lack a Sense of their Role. Perhaps, however, it is also because of the groupy animation of the Characters that Voice, Voice Melody and Character do not seem to fit together. The Game has been implemented beautifully by and large, unfortunately the Flair of the different Locations is somewhat lost. Especially because uninvolved Minor characters speak in German. This is as true for Lyon as it is for Petersburg or any other Location. You could have brought in more Atmosphere here. Verdict The Game makes an average Impression on me. Trying to swim along on the small Wave of new Adventures in the 2000s without having really finished the Game. The Story is solid. A Sect steals Images from a Museum, Interpol is turned on and the Museum's supervising officer is anxious for his Pension Should the Hustle and bustle come up. Unfortunately, the Dialogues don't carry the Story with them. Sentences and Prompts are repeated unnecessarily, but there is a lack of important Information in other Places as to what could be done. You can skip Dialogues that contain Information about moving Forward, even on the first Play. There are no proper Talking Options for This. A misgenerated Conversation can be repeated without Consequences until the correct Answer has been found. There Are no alternative Solutions. The Cutscenes are nice to look at, but just like some Animations when Entering Rooms just too much and too long-winded. Overall, the Game lacks the right Drive in its Implementation to encourage you to play Through. Just the Question of who this Sect is (which only pops up after a few Hours of Play) alone is not enough.
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