Mental Madness

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This was the final game project made by two students of the Bachelor Programme in Computer Game Development, class 2017-2020 at Stockholm University.  The length of the project was three months

Originally the class was divided up into groups of 9 to make a project, however, our group ended up disbanding due to students quitting the programme and other personal issues. 

It left us being only two and we had to make a decision and a pitch of a new game fast in order to continue with the course. Super Smash Bros. crossed our minds since we had been playing it for a while recently and so we decided to explore how it would be to create something like it but in 3D, and our own take on brawl games.

Of course we encountered many hardships, things we didn't know, having to work as the 7 we didn't have in our group and disciplined deadlines and communication skills. 
 With a lot of dedication and passion for the game industry, we made it through and the game was showcased at the Technical Museum of Stockholm for 1 week.

We could write an entire 3 books about all the things we learned, what we now know should be the focus when making games and the importance of being a great team.  Of course there are are tons of things we would like to redo and reiterate on - a game is never finished but at some point you have to know when to stop in order to continue the rest. We believed we could do anything and in the end we gave it our best, respected each other's work and were quite proud of the outcome. 

Artist & Level Designer: Therése Eriksson 
Programmer & VFX: Gleb Kornienko
Music: David Eriksson

Release date
The Good Bois
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for PC

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Last Modified: Jan 17, 2022

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