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Metal Waltz: Anime tank girls

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Metal Waltz
is a military strategy game in multi-language, currently supports Chinese, Japanese, Korean, German, and Russian.

Background story
In 194X, human created a new creature, which were combined with animals and tank components, called Beast Tanks. This new kind of creature had amazing power, they were controlled via radio waves. Beast Tanks can be used for agricultural production and other production activities, of course, including war. However, one day human suddenly lost control of the Beast Tanks. The runaway Beast Tanks conducted destruction everywhere in the whole world, brought the human being an unprecedented catastrophe... ...
Metal Maidens are the only hope of the human being to defeat the Beast Tanks.
Metal Maidens is the product of the Walküre Project, which aims to transform humans in a similar fashion to Beast Tanks; with the same capabilities or better. Metal Maiden technology is divided into two types -- Body modification and Attires.
Body Modification --A Metal Maiden core (an improved Beast Tank core) is implanted into the body, vastly improving the human body's limits and expanding neural networks to allow for control of external armor and appendages.
Attires -- Armored combat attires similar to a Beast Tank's, developed as a robust and reliable armor utilizing their new capabilities; however, some attires are specifically developed for and only correspond to a specific type of Metal Maiden core.
As a side note: Men are, for some mysterious reason, unable to utilize any core at all, but not all women are able to as well; so both the selection and testing are rigorous and stringent.
Some scholars believe the Metal Maidens are a new kind of creature. Some say that the Metal Maidens technique will lead to the fundamental change in mankind.

In the world of Metal Waltz you are a commander. You lead the Metal Maidens to fight against the Beast Tanks and explore the secrets behind the Beast Tanks at the same time.

1. The character voices in the game has 3 main languages: Chinese, Japanese and Korean. Our Japanese voice actors includes Sumire Uesaka, Aya Hirano and Ruriko Aoki.
"목표물 확인,사격!"

2. Most of the roles in the game are animated by Live2D. Click on the girls, you can have interaction with them.
T-34M:“Huh? Will you just stop clicking on my hairpin? It is made of real flowers!”
M4A3E2:"Would you tighten the screws on my back, Commander?"

3. In the early development phase, the development team flew to France to visit the famous tank museum Saumur Musee Des Blindes to study tanks. In the museum the team took over 5000 photos of the tanks.
Museum administrator: "The museum will be closed soon. I've urged you three times to leave. I have to pick up my daughter after work. You know?"

4. There are over 250 different tanks from the period from WW2 to the early Cold War.
Developer: "No, there is no Merkava in the game. But it's also a kind of art to collect all Ausf. of Pz.Kpfw. IV."

5. Different tank types use appropriate ammunition. Military fans will be satisfied with the huge tech tree, which was formed based on the history.
Developer: "AP, APDS, HE, RP, APCR, HESH ... we have them all."

6. The story in the game has over 300,000 words. It is also not bad to regard the game as a novel.
Players: "No more story? Then I will stop pushing the battles forward!"
Release date
Shanghai JingCai Computer Software Development Co
Shanghai JingCai Computer Software Development Co
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for PC

  • OS: Windows Vista/Windows 7/Windows 8
  • Processor: 1.7+ GHz or better
  • Memory: 1 GB RAM
  • Graphics: Radeon HD5450 or better; 256 MB or higher
  • Network: Broadband Internet connection
  • Storage: 1 GB available space
  • Sound Card: 100% DirectX9.0c compatible sound card and drivers
Edit the game info
Last Modified: Jul 29, 2023

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1 edit
Panzer Waltz - 2016 Character Introductions
Jan 4, 2016
Happy Universe
TANK GIRLS | Panzer Waltz
Oct 16, 2016
Panzer Waltz - Android Gameplay HD
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Panzer Waltz Gameplay IOS / Android
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Panzer Waltz / Metal Waltz เกมมือถือรถถังสุดโมเอะ !!
Apr 26, 2016
Shorty Bluejova
Metal Waltz Anime tank girls Trailer PC
Apr 25, 2017
Trailers Vid...
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297 items
Assemble a squad ( B.Châtillon 25t,БТР-50ПА,SdKfz251-9)
White parrot
B.Châtillon 25t reached level 90
"Moscow" border group
Assemble a squad(KV-1B,KV-2,KV-5,KV-85)
Assemble a squad (Churchill Mk-IV,Churchill Mk-VII,Churchill Mk-VIII)
"Watchman" squad
Assemble a squad (PzKpfw III mod. L,ISU-122,SPIC)
view all achievements
84 items

Metal Waltz: Anime tank girls reviews and comments

Translated by
Microsoft from Deutsch
Hello folks, i will make this a short one, as most of you SHOULD actualy know that this game isnt new, but a mobile game that exists quiet a wile now. The Steam conversion is only for the Chinese server as of now, still no lag or other stuff on it. Here are some quick Pro's and Cons on this game AS OF NOW. It still is under development, the story isnt fully complete yet (save they did it already wich i highly doubt). A word of advice thou, if we do not get the converted EU and US versions your old accs will not work(unless you played on the chinese server all along). I guess the western release version , wich has a different publisher, will give us the ability to use our accounts from the mobile version on steam. Now for the PRO's: -Unlike Kancolle (the other games similar like that DO NOT EXIST FOR TRUE FANS!( game called Warship girls, an illegal ripoff of Kancolle, there are no info's everywhere to be found proving that they have premition to do the same stuff like the game on DMM wich is Kancolle) this game has story in it. You can switch the language in the settings to actualy be able to read it,still its not finished as far as i know. (Here a quick overview over the events in the tutorial, you basicaly arrived with your Jumbo SHerman(called Zoe) in europe because you actualy did finish the academy(zoe had some troubles as she is kinda lazy and , well , somewhat stupid). Here you face an enemy called Beast Tanks, WW2 vehicles on top of normal animal's. The girls you see ingame are also only girls able to wield the gear of WW2 and Cold war aera tanks on them. There is no limit in their numbers, so basicaly their all clones (later on you will get prove that beast tanks are, as well as the humanoid tanks from the trailers AND the credit scene(you should watch it even thou it contains a cutscene wich is quiet old as of now (we have the T54 AND the skills ingame now, yet you still get the bridge hangar picture(you can change this in settings as well). YOu can replay those tutorial cutscenes if you wish after you changed to another language to rewatch them. - No real SR SSR policy here, you can upgrade ALL tanks to be 3 star ones later on. They gain the same power as normal 3 star tanks thus its a great way to have some tanks you realy like and keep them. Thou getting to the point where you are alowed to do so requires grind and leveling. - new contend and tanks released frequently - no event only tanks, their all available later on as buildable tanks - nice events, adding more personal touch to the story and characters (for example, tests done by ms. Porsche (Ferdinant TD) wich actualy put you against some quiet unexpected foes like Sophia (IS2-M, your boss at Funze academy and one of 3 super tanks able to hold their own even against the mightyest of foes) - Some tanks (way not all of them , yet this changes in future) have 3d moddels wich you can turn to some degree Now for some of the cons(yes this game has some): -No friendlist or clan system - Only interaction is via chat and PVP(still more than in kancolle(could have changed by now, they wanted friend's and clans in there, the buttons existed prior to me leaving temporarely(wich is 1 year ago) - Somewhat heavy grind, and need to know what to equip and wich tanks to use to counter some stuff, wich basicaly means testing and wasting fuel and milk(repair gel actualy, they never said that they drink the milk, its more like the repair fluid from kancolle) - If you want certain tanks, especiel 3 star ones, its more of a gamble and you could end up wasting an entire week and still not get one. Thats all for now. I hope you stop yelling about no language settings and READ what countless people wrote already. I am a former mobile version player myselfe so actualy with more than 2k hours spend there i am allowed to write this review and count it as legit (my own terms say that review's without at least 10 hours should be banned instantly from steam , their mostly trolls or people to young to understand stuff in games like TUTORIALS or GUIDES)
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