Mezzy Maze
When a cheap toy maker ran out of glue he accidentally made the age-old wooden labyrinth game even better. Sliding walls allows for shortcuts which make the route more interesting.
Choose your path through the maze slyly and go balls to the wall for hi-scores!
This was originally a web game made with Flash in 2010. Browsers no longer allow Flash games, so we have decided to publish some of our old Flash games as Windows executables. Visual resolution is now much higher and there have also been some minor design & game play improvements.
Control the ball with the arrow keys. Avoid the holes & try to reach the goal. Note, that some walls can be moved! As with most things in life there are both an upside and downside to this peculiarity.
For a high score, you should go as fast as possible. Your score will be ranked.
There are also three achievements to be made. The Carry The Cross achievements are for the patient and meticulous. The Speed Demon achievement is for the reckless who loves to cut corners.
For your convenience, the menu screen can be controlled with the arrow keys or the mouse.