MI 455 - Project 1, Daniel Sohn
Note WebGL might not load due to size of project.
Imported assets:
- A* Pathfinding Project Pro by Aron Granberg
- Ezy-Slice by DavidArayan
- Magic Light Probes by Eugene B
- Unfinished assets from my previous projects
- Imported and finished Time manager and slicing scripts
- Unity Registry
- Cinemachine
- Text Mesh Pro
- Input System
- Terrain Tools
- ShaderGraph
- Probuilder
Implemented a version of Blade Mode from Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance, player can enter mode and slice objects under a limited timer
Made entire new level from provided assets.
Turned game into an 3D action shooter game and removed 2D elements due to incompatibility.
- New health system
- Player takes damage from enemy attacks and dies at 0 hp
- Enemies take damage from player projectile
- Armor must be broken first before enemy is damaged
- Armor must be sliced to destroy after taking enough damage
- Enemies with no armor can be sliced to be killed
- Armor must be broken first before enemy is damaged
- New item to restore player health
Added new UI and Tutorial to explain and implement new mechanics
- In game tutorial sensitive via location
- Slice mode UI to indicate time left and parts made by slicing
Revamped several assets into new or adjusted forms to add to the game.
- Powerup acorns that refill the slice mode bar or extends it