Micro Mages (itch)

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Micro Mages is a platform game developed for the original 8-bit NES console. Now available as a ROM file and native Windows PC version.

Slip into your wizard robes and enter the Demon Fortress, home of great treasure and ghastly creatures alike. Shoot and wall-jump your way up the fortress's towers and battle the evil bosses lurking at the top.

Play solo or join forces with your friends. This game supports up to 4 players. Will you help each other overcome the dangerous traps built to stop nosy adventurers or will you turn on your comrades to snatch the high score? No downtime: If you die while at least one other player is still alive, you will turn into a ghost and can help by freezing enemies. Try to open crates and treasure chests to find a Fairy or Feather that will bring you back to life.

  • 1 to 4 players simultaneous
  • Cooperate or compete for score
  • 26 spooky levels (normal + hard modes)
  • Dangerous traps, monsters and bosses
  • Ancient secrets
  • Password function allows you to continue your game - in classic NES fashion
Release date
Morphcat Games
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for PC

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Last Modified: Aug 28, 2019

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