Average Playtime: 3 hours

TowerFall Ascension

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TowerFall is an indie action-game with focus on local multiplayer. It was initially developed as an exclusive for OUYA microconsole and was later ported on other systems as TowerFall Ascension. The gameplay represents an arcade-style fighting arena where four people combat each other to score points in a series of rounds. There are for several characters to choose from in the game. Every one of them has two main ways of killing opponents: bow and stomping. Every player starts with only 3 arrows which, after being shot, can be picked from the spot where they fell. The player can also jump on each other in retro-platformer style. The arenas exit is connected with exits on the opposite side of the map, so if the player falls down the pit, he immediately appears from the top of the arena. There also several powerups that can be found in treasure chest scattered across the map.
The Ascension version of the game also features single-player mode in which player has to kill waves of enemies on the arena. It has no story whatsoever and is more like a series of challenges with different monsters, powerups and unique peculiarities on locations.

Release date
Matt Makes Games
Matt Thorson
Matt Makes Games
Age rating
10+ Everyone 10+

System requirements for Nintendo Switch

System requirements for Xbox One

System requirements for PS Vita

System requirements for PlayStation 4

System requirements for Linux

  • OS: glibc 2.15+, 32/64-bit. S3TC support is NOT required.
  • Processor: Intel Core i3 M380
  • Memory: 2 GB RAM
  • Graphics: OpenGL 3.0+ (2.1 with ARB extensions acceptable)
  • Storage: 400 MB available space

System requirements for PC

  • OS: Windows Vista or newer
  • Processor: Intel Core i3 M380
  • Memory: 2 GB RAM
  • Graphics: Intel HD 4000
  • DirectX: Version 10
  • Storage: 400 MB available space

System requirements for macOS

  • OS: Snow Leopard 10.6.8, 32/64-bit
  • Processor: Intel Core i3 M380
  • Memory: 2 GB RAM
  • Graphics: OpenGL 3.0+ (2.1 with ARB extensions acceptable)
  • Storage: 400 MB available space
Edit the game info
Last Modified: Dec 19, 2023

Where to buy

PlayStation Store
Nintendo Store
Xbox Store
Epic Games

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TowerFall Ascension reviews and comments

Solid coop game
«Better with friends»
Translated by
Microsoft from French
"To taste alone or with friends" this arena fighting game, first published on the console "Ouya" and then on PC in 2013 by Matt Thorson, will test your reflexes by confronting you with choice, ruthless bots or your own friends (equally ruthless) ! Graphics with its graphics coming straight from retro video games, TowerFall Ascension would make nostalgic more than one! However it is easy to realize that this game is recent as it is colorful and vibrant. The evolutionary menus are all very original and detailed despite the constraint of the pixels, an aspect that is found elsewhere in all levels included in the game. The decorations are spread over several planes, which in spite of the 2D gives an aspect of space to the arenas. We can only congratulate Matt Thorson for his attention to detail. 5/5 http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1214641087 sound ambiance the music, performed by Alec Holowka, harmonizes very well with the graphic style of the game and is, at first listening, very appreciable. On the other hand, after a few hours spent on the game, we quickly end up getting tired of this rather repetitive music. Only a variation of music is available for the main menu and only unlocks at the end (theoretical) of the game. So if you are aiming to complete all the diamonds trials, consider opening YouTube or Spotify before launching the game, at the risk of quickly transforming you into Edmond Kemper. 3/5 scenario in so far as this game is intended for use "arcade", it does not offer the player a very thrilling scenario. Nevertheless, the unlocking of the levels and the different characters is done progressively and can be akin to a kind of story that would be the guiding thread of the game. We also note the effort to have embellished the game with some small puzzles which, even if they are not very complicated, come to awaken your curiosity. 5/5 playability with up to 4 players on the same screen, confront your friends in versus mode or test your skill in Coop mode against bots (2 players max). This game sets up new mechanics with its communicating borders. Many weapons and abilities are also at your disposal and offer endless possibilities to ridicule your opponent or make you ridicule. Despite a grip of the instinctive keys and a very good gameplay in General, this game has some flaws: it is not possible to play online, which from my point of view is a waste given the quality of the game. The keys cannot be assigned to multiple players when playing on keyboard, which allows a few clever little ones to empty your arrow stock by hammering your key. So I recommend you use a gamepad for this game, even if the keyboard is ample enough if you play enough can with your friends, or if these are more reasonable than mine. 3/5 in short, get this little game if you are an unmeasurable fan of retro arcade games, or if you just want to spend a good time with friends. But be careful in this case, don't forget your joysticks! Namely: to this game come to add a DLC, which in exchange of some extra denier (obviously), you will give access to additional characters and arenas. FINAL NOTE = 16/20 thank you for your reading and good game! Learn more [www.towerfall-game.com]
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