Average Playtime: 6 hours

Night in the Woods

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Night in the Woods is a quest game developed by Infinite Fall.


Night in the Woods takes place in a universe of anthropomorphic animals. A cat named May returns back to her hometown of Possum Springs because of a dissociative disorder that does not let her recognize other people something other than rectangular shapes. May had dropped out of college and she does not know what to do with her life yet. She got back into the town to hang out with her old friends or simply walk around the town and meet the people she knew in her childhood, yet this childhood world is no more. The city's residents start talking about something happening in the nearby forest. May gets her friends together and goes out to figure out what's going on.

The game explores the typical teenage problems in a common environment, as stated by the game's developers.


The main objective of the game is to explore the in-game world. May can run, jump, and interact with both other characters and the in-game objects. As stated by the developers, the key actions the player should take are to explore, converse, see and touch. The game focuses mostly on its narrative, rather on the gameplay experience.

While talking to other characters, the players can choose the line for May to reply with. Your replies will affect the game's story, yet the change will be minor.

Release date
Infinite Fall
Age rating
13+ Teen

System requirements for Linux

  • OS: Ubuntu 12.04 / SteamOS 2.0
  • Processor: Intel i5 Quad-Core
  • Memory: 4 GB RAM
  • Graphics: Intel HD 4000
  • Storage: 8 GB available space
  • Additional Notes: 32-bit systems must use virtual memory to get over 2GB.

System requirements for macOS

  • OS: Mac OS X 10.8
  • Processor: Intel i5 Quad-Core
  • Memory: 4 GB RAM
  • Graphics: Intel HD 4000
  • Storage: 8 GB available space
  • Additional Notes: 32-bit systems must use virtual memory to get over 2GB.

System requirements for PC

  • OS: Windows 7
  • Processor: Intel i5 Quad-Core
  • Memory: 4 GB RAM
  • Graphics: Intel HD 4000
  • Storage: 8 GB available space
  • Additional Notes: 32-bit systems must use virtual memory to get over 2GB.

System requirements for iOS

iPhone 5s, iPad Air, iPad Air Cellular, iPad Mini Retina, iPad Mini Retina Cellular, iPhone 6, iPhone 6 Plus, iPad Air 2, iPad Air 2 Cellular, iPad Mini 3, iPad Mini 3 Cellular, iPod Touch Sixth Gen, iPhone 6s, iPhone 6s Plus, iPad Mini 4, iPad Mini 4 Cellular, iPad Pro, iPad Pro Cellular, iPad Pro 9.7, iPad Pro 9.7 Cellular, iPhone SE, iPhone 7, iPhone 7 Plus, iPad 6 1 1, iPad 6 1 2, iPad 7 1, iPad 7 2, iPad 7 3, iPad 7 4, iPhone 8, iPhone 8 Plus, iPhone X, iPad 7 5, iPad 7 6, iPhone X S, iPhone X S Max, iPhone X R, iPad 8 1 2, iPad 8 3 4, iPad 8 5 6, iPad 8 7 8, iPad Mini 5, iPad Mini 5 Cellular, iPad Air 3, iPad Air 3 Cellular, iPod Touch Seventh Gen, iPhone 1 1, iPhone 1 1 Pro, iPad Seventh Gen, iPad Seventh Gen Cellular, iPhone 1 1 Pro Max, iPhone SE Second Gen, iPad Pro Second Gen, iPad Pro Second Gen Cellular, iPad Pro Fourth Gen, iPad Pro Fourth Gen Cellular, iPhone 1 2 Mini, iPhone 1 2, iPhone 1 2 Pro, iPhone 1 2 Pro Max, iPad Air 4, iPad Air 4 Cellular, iPad Eighth Gen, iPad Eighth Gen Cellular, iPad Pro Third Gen, iPad Pro Third Gen Cellular, iPad Pro Fifth Gen, iPad Pro Fifth Gen Cellular, iPhone 1 3 Pro, iPhone 1 3 Pro Max, iPhone 1 3 Mini, iPhone 1 3, iPad Mini Sixth Gen, iPad Mini Sixth Gen Cellular, iPad Ninth Gen, iPad Ninth Gen Cellular

System requirements for Nintendo Switch

System requirements for Xbox One

System requirements for PlayStation 4

Edit the game info
Last Modified: Jan 30, 2025

Where to buy

PlayStation Store
Xbox Store
Nintendo Store
Epic Games
App Store

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Night in the woods Full Soundtrack | OST
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Night in the Woods reviews and comments

This is a very unique and charming game. I love the art style and the simplicity of the gameplay. It has a good sense of humor while telling a good and somewhat relatable story. There is also a wild shift in the tone near the end that is very surprising. I will say the ending is a little abrupt and feels rushed in a few spots but it doesn't ruin the game. We really don't get too many games like this anymore that completely nail their tone.
«Can’t stop playing»
«Sit back and relax»
how to do existencialism
Night in the Woods really resonated with me. The music is phenomenal and the story telling is wonderful. I enjoyed talking to everyone every new day in-game just to see little more bits of story. The mini-games were fun and the story really told a tale that felt unique in setting, aesthetics, and presentation. 
«Blew my mind»
«That ending!»
I love the lore...related to the characters so much..!!
«Can’t stop playing»
«Sit back and relax»
The game conveys it's atmosphere very well. The game is mostly about exploring the town and the actual stuff happens in between when you are generally not expecting it. The characters are well designed and have different opinions and humor. It's a game about american young adult life which i can't relate too but otherwise i get what it is trying to show.
It's a good game .
That's game in a strange position for me: I really love autumn decadence background, music, characters main & side (Lori and Angus cool, ok?), interaction with them charming, jokes are witty. Everything in the game cozy and beautiful, except the GAME itself. That's just walking simulator with mostly one, repeated location (hi, Dragon Age 2). The "minigames" are joke. At the end I just tired of strolled through the town, I just stop care about plot.
(Possible spoiler warning.)

Great game. My ONLY complaint is that the whole cult reveal at the end felt a little out of place and not entirely necessary. I get maybe having maybe one major antagonist believing in an evil entity and getting rid of 'undesirables', but bringing the whole town in on it? 

Despite that, the game was absolutely worth playing. It's beautiful (the dream sequences in particular are drop dead gorgeous), the characters are very well defined and relatable, and it's a very candid look at mental illness/psychosis and how important it is to be surrounded by people who genuinely love and support you. Mae x Bea forever. 
Translated by
Microsoft from Deutsch
Night in the Woods is an interesting Adventure with amiable Characters and varied Gameplay. It offers a more of a small Game world, which I have run over and over again For most of the Game to conduct Dialogues with the Inhabitants of Possum Springs. That sounds pretty Sleeve and Boring? Was it too, it didn't give me any Fun, the Dialogues with the different Characters were mostly Quite entertaining. The Dialogues are also what makes the Game. It also has small Mini-games, which I felt more disturbing because they travel you out of the relaxed Gamplay within a few Seconds and throw you into, for example, a relatively fast rhythm Game, some like it, I was clearly a Too high a contrast in Gameplay. The Graphics are quite simple, but the high beautiful. My only Criticism is that the Game kills my Memory. I have 16GB of Memory and had massive FPS slumps in the final chapter of the Game. I like the Music, simple Piano Dudel and Indie-rock Are included. Perfect for feeling sorry for yourself while opening the next Bag Of Chips on the Sofa and wondering why you're still awake at 3:00. I also hate the Dream Sections. They're long, annoying and I'd rather have had a black Screen for five Minutes and, meanwhile, would have gone piss than play them. They were the high important for the Plot, but I think you could have made them more interesting. Conclusion: Interesting Adventure with beautifully Crafted Chakers, a little too Bland game world and contrasting Gameplay. I fands super. I apologize for very likely spelling And Grammar errors
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Microsoft from Deutsch
Night in the Woods is a fantastic Game. Here you experience the Story of the Cat Mae, who has just been thrown out of College and now meets her old Friends Gregg (CRIMES!), Bea and Angus again in Possum Springs. In Doing so, she has to learn that Time flies and Things change. Add to that her Depression and Life Crises, with Mae questioning her Exuence. The Game shows that you should enjoy the Moment and use the Time you have. But The Main Story also has some other Mysteries waiting to be discovered (with the Weird Autumm Update in December even more:D). In addition to the Main Story, there are also many beautiful Side stories, such as Germ, which make the Game even more wonderful. Nevertheless, there are two Things that annoy me about the Game: 1. Some Jump n Run Parts are sometimes real to The Kotzen and need some Tries until you have finally done it or you think that you really can't get there. But these are really just exceptional cases and they are forceful. 2nd Demontower ... Yes, Demontower is there as a Mini-game and you don't have to play it. But if you're trying to create 100% in the Game, it's TO KOTZEN. How can you make such an aggressive dungeon Scroller into such a beautiful, calm and atmospheric Game ... I don't understand. It scratched my Love of the Game. But as I said, Whoever Is as Achievmentgeil As I am has to go through it. Everyone else: FINGER WEG! (That's almost as bad as Playing Pumkinheadguy on a Keyboard ...) FAZIT: NITW is a wonderful Game where everything fits together. Graphics, Music, History-everything so lovingly and perfectly attuned to each other. This Game comforts you when you are sad. I LOVE Life in the Woods and I recommend everyone to play this Game at least once:) PS: WEIRD AUTUMM:D
I just wanna plaaaay this awesome gaaaame
If only i could only ever meat May
I just wanna have more tiiime for this gaaame
An-y-where an-y-time
Oh no!
«Blew my mind»
«Sit back and relax»
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