Mimic the light
-----------------------------Mimic the light------------------------
A game based to compare that humans are noobs and chimpanzees are pros! (true if you are a real pro then try to reach the score of 500 if you cant then chimpanzees are better in short term memory than you dont be sad cause humans are the best!)
Game on scratch - https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/527177058/
1: What you have to do is just wait until the game starts and then you have some time to keep the pattern of the light in your mind then afterwards you have to mimic as it was simple.
2: It is mobile friendly so tap on the squares you want to lit, you have limited amount to moves so think before you act.
3: Comment your score
4: As you go further it gets harder
Game submitted for the XamJam on scratch (a gamejam)