MineStorm Pico

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Tread lightly! The transport lanes of intergalactic space have been seeded with mines from an alien vessel.
Use your mine destroying blaster to blow up the mines before they annihilate you! You may survive the floating mines, but beware of the fireball, magnetic, and treacherous fireball-magnetic mines!

. . . 30 fields, each one more difficult, await you!

Mine Storm Controls

Game Options


       Navigate through the options.

or Change an option.
or Enter the first mine field and start game play.


Ship Controls


Rotates your mine destroying ship.

Control settings #1

or   Escape: Mysteriously changes your location.
or   Fire: Fires rockets at the mines.
             Thrust: Moves your ship forward.

Control settings #2

or   Fire
or   Thrust

Control settings #3

or   Fire
or   Thrust


How To Play The enemy minelayer will move through your galaxy and will seed the first mine field. Your ship will come into view once he disappears. Four large mines will suddenly become activated.
Maneuver your ship within the galaxy in an effort to destroy the mines.
As you travel through space, fire at the mines. As you destroy them, additional mines will become activated. Be careful . . . the minelayer may reappear to seed the field, but you can blast him as well.
Once you make that part of the galaxy safe, you immediately travel to the next mine field. There are 30 different mine fields, each one becoming increasingly difficult.

Getting Hit

If you are hit by a mine you will lose one ship. The mission continues depending on your Pilot Skill:


A new ship will mysteriously placed back into the field you are currently in and you can continue to clear out that field if you have any ships remaining.
Beware: A collision with the minelayer will result in the reseeding of that field.


Original mode. The minelayer will reseed the field you are currently in and you will have another chance to clear out that field if you have any ships remaining.

Types of Mines

Floating Mines
These are "dumb" mines which simply drift through space.
Fireball Mines
These mines hurl a fireball at you as soon as you hit
them. You can avoid the fireball or destroy it with a rocket. Magnetic Mines
These mines will follow you anywhere in the galaxy you go.
Magnetic-Fireball Mines
These mines have the traits of both Magnetic and Fireball Mines.

Field Types

Each of the 30 mine fields gets more difficult, but each starts with 4 large mines. Once a large mine is destroyed, 2 medium-sized mines are activated.
When a medium-sized mine is destroyed, 2 small mines are activated. The first field has 4 floating mines. Each new field starts with harder combinations of mines.
Will you discover the types of mines in Field 30?

Number of Ships

In each game you start with 5 ships. A bonus ship is awarded if you clear out 3 fields. Scoring Points are awarded for destroying the mines, as follows: Type of Mine Large         Medium     Small         Floating 100 135 200 Fireball 325 360 425 Magnetic 500 535 600 Magnetic-Fireball       750 785 850 Additionally, 110 points are earned for hitting the fireball itself and 1000 points for hitting the minelayer. Final Words

Thank you for volunteering!
Good luck with your mission, you will need it. It's not an easy task!
Mine field 1 is cleared by many new recruits with "ease".
Mine field 2 is very tough, until you learn to keep your distance and always fire straight lines at fireball mines.
Mine field 3 seems to be a "piece of cake" compared to the previous if you have mastered the art of thrust.
Mine field 4 . . . the end for many aspiring pilots. Once passed, you have mastered to eliminate all mine types.
Now it's up to you!

Developer Notes recreated the classic Vectrex arcade shooter game MineStorm for the Pico-8 platform for your enjoyment.
There were made some changes and additions in the design of the game to make it more playable on the Pico-8 platform.

Changes and additions:

  • The scale of all game objects have been adjusted to suit the smaller screen size better.
  • The movement physics have been adjusted to suit the smaller screen size better.
  • Single player only
  • Two levels of difficulty
  • Autofire (default) is a feature in the options menu.
  • A bonus ship is awarded every 3 fields instead of every 4.
  • 30 mine fields, instead of 13.
  • Space dust is not included.
  • The ships mysterious Escape feature is much safer to use than in the original.
  • The overlay HUD shows the current mine field number in the bottom left corner.
  • The overlay HUD is dynamic and parts are being turned on and off during game play.
  • A victory screen is awarded after clearing all 30 mine fields.
  • Persistent High Score and Control settings.
Pico-8 Cartridge

Cartridge available at the Lexaloffle BBS.

  • The design of this page is based on the original box design of Vectrex cartridges:

  • The game instructions are taken from the original MineStorm manual and edited where changes applied.
  • Screenshots may differ slightly from the release version.
Release date
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for Web

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System requirements for PC

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Last Modified: Apr 11, 2022

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