W and S move you towards and away from the mouse respectively.
1 for laser on/off
2 for french horn
3 for sniper
You have 3 guns (described below) that follow you in a fixed pattern. You have no health bar, but your guns are disabled whenever an enemy touches them or they are shot. You have to touch a disabled gun to fix it.
Since there is no health bar, you lose when time runs out, but you can add some time to the timer by killing enemies. Try to get the highest possible score!
LASER POINTER high damage per second
- sturdy and reliable, but its short range holds it back
- useful for cleaning up big groups or a small area
- since your laser pointer stays so close to you, its practically immortal
FRENCH HORN 1 damage per pellet that come in 6 bursts of 8
- strong burst damage, but the spread makes it innefective at long range
- it spits out its entire clip all at once before a lengthy reload time
- good for breaking a large, tanky target or a group of medium sized targets
- impressive range, but the reload time and single-shot nature make it most effective at long range
- use it to pick off lone targets or soften up faraway enemies
JAR or CARRIER 20 hp
This jar releases 5 olives when it bursts!
These are released from broken jars and slowly fly towards one of your guns.
GRUNT 15 hp
Slowly approaches your guns while shooting at them.
As the name suggests, they charge directly towards one of your ships, using their oddly placed teeth to attack.
------MUSIC CREDITS------
Music is from Abstraction, you can find more of their stuff at http://www.abstractionmusic.com/ or http://abstractionmusic.bandcamp.com/
Thank you for reading! (and playing, hopefully!) (and rating hopefully also!)