My final project for CDM 72 Game Design track.
A game all about making meaningful decisions that will have little to big impacts on the ending of the game.
Image Sources:
Hand in chains:
Nikirov, Vlodymyr. Hands are chained in chains isolated on black background. https://www.123rf.com/profile_nikirov?mediapopup=94039439
Letter with seal:
Direct, Stamps. “The History and Resurgence of Wax Seals.” Stamps Direct Blog, 2 Aug. 2013, www.stampsdirect.co.uk/blog/2013/08/02/the-history-and-resurgence-of-wax-seals/.
Lit torch:
“History of Torches.” History of Torches - How Torches Work?, History of Lighting,
Cooked pig:
International, American. “Life In A Medieval Castle Medieval Food.” Castle Life - Medieval Food, www.castlesandmanorhouses.com/life_04_food.htm.
Guy in cell:
“Man in the Iron Mask.” TV Tropes, tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/ManInTheIronMask.
Title picture:
IProAction, Overia &. “Small Kingdom of Denmark.” IGotoWorld.com - Your GUIDE TO the WORLD, igotoworld.com/en/article/20-11-2013-little-denmark.htm.
Chest of gold:
“Forrest Fenn Hidden Treasure - Millionaire Hides Chest of Gold and Jewels and Encourages Public to Head Outdoors to Find It.” Altered Dimensions Paranormal, 28 Feb. 2018, www.altereddimensions.net/2015/forrest-fenn-hidden-treasure-millions-dollars-hidden-gold-jewels-clues-treasure.