Mole with a Goal
This is Cole, Cole is a mole. This mole has a goal!
Cole has a goal, and that goal is...
For Cole has four babes, and they get in a mood, when their bellies are hungry, they can be very rude!
"Oh daddy, you rat!" "Feed us, make us fat!" And winter is coming, So Cole's goal is THAT!
Keep the babies alive, and survive through the cold. If Cole's a good papa, the babies will grow old!
Use the mouse during the placement phase to place objects for the mole to collide with. Left click the items on the side panel to choose them. Right click and drag to look around the map. Scroll to zoom. After clicking Done Placing, you watch Cole go!
Try to survive 30 days without your babies starving. Good luck!
Bonus: Find this hidden Albertosaurus!
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Last Modified: Aug 16, 2021
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