Mondo di Rovina

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The days people feared the bank robber gang "The Police" are long gone. Not necessarily because that much time has passed, but rather because the world suffered a cataclysmic event that turned the earth into mugen stages straight from some Hokuto no Ken game. When Kevin Rian, leader of "The Police", dies of a stroke, Juza makes a trip around the desert to gather his former comrades, their loot, and what their friend left behind. A touching story of friends, family and satanism.

Note: This is a Dolmexica Infinite mod, which in turn is a Mugen interpreter for Windows/Web/Dreamcast.

Controls for Windows/Web:

  • Movement - Arrow keys
  • Weak punch - Q
  • Medium punch - W
  • Strong punch - E
  • Weak kick - A
  • Medium kick - S
  • Strong kick - D
  • Start - Enter
  • Advance text during cutscenes - A
  • Movement during cutscenes - Arrow keys
  • Full screen: CTRL + Enter for Windows / F8 for Web (make sure to click game in firefox first or fullscreen will fail)
  • Return to title screen / Exit the game from title screen - Escape
  • Instant Win - F1

Controls for Dreamcast:

  • Movement - D Pad or Analog stick
  • Weak punch - X
  • Medium punch - Y
  • Strong punch - L
  • Weak kick - A
  • Medium kick - B
  • Strong kick - R
  • Start - Start
  • Advance text during cutscenes - A
  • Movement during cutscenes - D Pad or Analog stick
  • Return to title screen / Exit the game from title screen - A+B+X+Y+Start (Standard Dreamcast combo)

Additional notes:

  • KFM character and stage made by Elecbyte:
  • Character sources: Juza, Principal of Otokujuku Edajima Heihachi, Giorno Giovanna, Kevin Rian, Kenshiro, Tsurugi Momotaro, Jonathan Joestar, Post-apocalyptic Emperor, Birdie, Miku, Bridget
  • Stage sources: Mamiya's village, Juda's stage, Generic ruined HnK city, Souther's pyramid
  • This is an in-development Mugen interpreter for Dreamcast, so all glitches, false behaviours and other uncanny stuff happening with the characters/stages are not the original creators' fault, but rather reflect this developmental status.
  • The more technical Mugen-on-Dreamcast stuff should go in this thread if possible:
  • The Dreamcast version does currently not support 50Hz mode, so please make sure your TV can display 60Hz (or use a VGA cable).
  • Source code is on github:

Thanks for playing!

Release date
Captain Dreamcast
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for PC

System requirements for Web

Mondo di Rovina screenshot, image №2374538 - RAWG
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Last Modified: May 4, 2020

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