Motor Sports
This is a test-project to practice learning Unreal Engine. It is a work in progress. In it, you drive a car to kick a giant American football between the goal posts. I might add different activities like this later. Feedback is most welcome.
Keyboard & Mouse
Movement/Turning = WASD
Boost = Ctrl
Handbrake = Alt
Jump = Spacebar (hold to charge)
Look around = mouse
Lean (when airborne) = Q, E, A, D
Pause = Esc
Reset car rotation (flip over) = P
Move forward = right trigger
Move backward / brakes = left trigger
Turn = Left stick
Hand break = Left face button
Jump = Bottom face button
Boost = Right face button
Look around = right stick
Lean (when airborne) = Left stick
Pause = Start
Reset car rotation (flip over) = Select