Murder (An Online GAME)

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Hi! And thanks for playing "Murder"!

You can play online Creating or Joining a Room! Hope you enjoy it! 

Can play a maximum of 30 players in one room! If your game is laggy, try turn on Turbo Mode!  But watch out! If you turn on Turbo Mode while you don't have lag (you have more than 31 fps) you will be kicked. Please tell me if you find any glitch!

 |===============| Instructions |===============|

 You need at least 3 players to start a game. When the game starts, you have 15 seconds to disperse, and when those 15 seconds are up, the game will tell you your mode, also, if the time of the match is over, that means Sudden Death! and the lava will ascend to the ceiling and if you touch it, you will die. There are 3 modes, innocent, murderer, and detective: 

- Innocent: If you collect 5 coins, when you do it, you will have 1 shoot, and when you use it, it will remove the 5 coins, but if you shoot to the wrong player, you will lose a life of 3. Only the murderer can kill you. 

- Murderer: You have a sword to attack and kill players, if you click quick you will do a melee attack, but if you hold and wait to the indicator glow, you will do a dash attack. As more coins you collect, more quickly you will charge your attack. The detective and innocent can kill you. 

- Detective: You have a pistol to kill the murderer, but if you shoot to the wrong player, you will lose a life of 3. If you click quick, you will shoot a normal bullet, but if you hold and wait to the indicator glow, you will shoot a bigger bullet that can go through the ground. As more coins you collect, more quickly you will charge your attack. Only the murderer can kill you. 

|=================| Badges |================| 

To scroll better to see the badges click the complete window. 

|================| Controls |================| 

[ ↑ / W ] Jump [← / A ] Move Left [→ / D ] Move Right [ ↓ / S ] Crouch [ Click / Space ] Attack / Charge [ T ] Chat [ M ] Set Suspect Closest Player [ N ] Show / Hide / If Mouse is Close Names [ K ] Controls [ Q ] Mute / Unmute Song 

Release date
Señor T
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for Web

Murder (An Online GAME) screenshot, image №3796823 - RAWG
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Last Modified: Feb 24, 2023

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