Museum restorer
You are a restorer working in a museum. Your job is to make sure all exhibits are in good condition. And so one day a bunch of hooligans comes in and smashes all the exhibits. Now you have to fix this mess. Use special glue to glue them back together.
Use left mouse button to use tools. Right mouse button to move your camera. Mouse wheel to zoom(Sensitivity on WebGL is broken, sorry)
Use toolbar to select tools: select allows dragging parts around. Glue tool allows to apply glue onto surfaces. And join button magically joins correct parts together(Don't ask why.)
Unfortunately i had to restart on day two, so this was made in about 15 hours. This is a demo, not a complete game, unfortunately.
I advise you to use Windows build.
POST JAM update: Although according to rules i can't upload bug fix build, i have uploaded this, because build on itch has a few breaking bugs. It does not have any big changes, just bug fixes. Just remember that this build is not part of GMTK jam voting.