Mushroom farm
You're a mushroom farmer.
Red Circle get smaller.
Green Circle get larger.
Blue Circle Pregnant. (Make Space for it)
Hot Keys:
CLICK AND DRAG to move shrooms. Except bad ones.
S- Sell mushrooms. Limited daily on the right.
E- Eat Mushrooms. Limited daily on the right.
C - Cancel Eating/Selling
Space bar - Move 1 Day Foward.
Lose Con:
If you have 10 or more bad mushrooms(If they're fully purple. purple circle = warning.) OR If you have no pairs of mushrooms. (Softlock, need to resest page.)
Win Con:
Accumulate $1000 by farming, growing, and managing.
I solo dev'd this project and I wasn't the greatest at sound so I decided to not add it due to time constraints.
I had many other ideas planned up but tried my best to having my scope being smaller in order to complete this game jam.
This game was made for GMTK 2020 Game Jam. The theme was: Out of Control.