Mutant Mayhem (bengineering)
I have two kids that are really big fans of the game Octogeddon available on PC and Nintendo Switch. However, there is no Android version of this game available, so I thought it'd be a fun project for us to try to make a game in a similar style.
I've been a programmer (both amateur and professionally) for most of my life and thought this might be a fun opportunity to put my skills to use. My language of choice is C#, so combined with the amazing Godot Engine, this seemed like a good fit for a fun project.
My kids came up with most of the story and artwork (I helped out where necessary) and together, we discovered the awesome music of Komiku. The music was a perfect fit for the art/gameplay we came up off we went. We spent countless hours during the pandemic plugging away, and are generally happy with the results. Perhaps going forward we can flesh this out into a more full featured game.