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Nancy Drew: Danger on Deception Island

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Nancy Drew®: Danger on Deception Island is a first-person perspective, point-and-click adventure game. The player is Nancy Drew and has to solve a mystery. Explore rich environments for clues, interrogate suspects, and solve puzzles and mini-games.
A much-anticipated vacation to a remote island in the Pacific Northwest abruptly runs aground when you, as Nancy Drew, discover that an unseen assailant has vandalized the whale-watching boat owned by your host, Katie Firestone. But that’s just the first in a string of nasty "accidents." Is the trouble in Snake Horse Harbor related to the orphaned orca whale roaming the nearby channel, or is there a deeper threat shrouded in the approaching fog? Plunge into danger to bring a mysterious island’s secrets to the surface! Dare to Play.
Kayak in coastal waters and caves.
Solve puzzles using Morse code and the Anagram Buster.
Build sandcastles, dig for clams, and play chess.
Choose from Junior or Senior Detective difficulty levels.

About The Nancy Drew Adventure Series
The original #1 selling PC adventure series.
See a comparison of the Dossier and Adventure Series

Release date
HeR Interactive
HeR Interactive
Age rating
0+ Everyone

System requirements for PC

  • OS: Windows® 98/ME/2000/XP/Vista
  • Processor: 200MHz CPU
  • Memory: 16MB RAM
  • Graphics: 16-bit graphics video card
  • DirectX®: 7.0 or higher
  • Hard Drive: 200MB of free space
  • Sound: 16-bit sound card
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Last Modified: Mar 15, 2025

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Nancy Drew: Danger on Deception Island reviews and comments

Translated by
Microsoft from Russian
Probably, many of you have heard about the games of the series Nancy Drew, which in Russia regularly occupy the first places in the tops of sales, often outstripping more serious hits. I am Convinced that fans of computer games have repeatedly wondered, than these games obsolete genre and with outdated graphics manage to attract players. I hope my review will be able to answer this question. Before I begin the review, I find it necessary to say that personally I am not a fan of quests and adventure. Nancy Drew is a literary character born in 1930. Over time, this character was constantly changing, remained unchanged only the sex of the protagonist, his passion for adventure and to solve various mysteries. Stories about Nancy Drew more than once screened, the last screen released in 2007, in my opinion, absolutely not worthy of attention and, of course, the adventures of this character were not once transferred to the game. The Company Her Interactive virtually every year releases a new game of this series. Games are released for different platforms, but the main habitat of this character is a personal computer. The Genre of games of the series Nancy Drew can be labeled as adventure, but we begin the review with what can easily take the brain of a modern player. I'm talking about graphics. In General, the games of this franchise are characterized by strong conservatism, the same applies to graphics, in fact, with the release of new games, the only change in the graphics, which I can note, is the addition of support for new permissions. Most Likely, in the last games of the series used the same engine as the first, and this is the first game of the series was released in the far 1998 year. In General, I do not see the point to describe in detail the graphics, because everything is quite well seen in the screenshots. The Only thing there is not visible, it is the image in the dynamics, in fact the whole world around us is a large number of skinheads, between which we are moving. At the same time, I can't help but say that I like this kind of graphics. In my opinion, it plays an important role in creating the atmosphere of the game, and if the developers tried to move the game to a full 3d, the chance that the game would have suffered from it, is very large. Another important factor that works on the atmosphere is the excellent voice and music. The Original voice-over is so good that having a Russian version of the game, I still found English and made of these versions of the hybrid with English voice and Russian text, as the game sometimes has a lot to read. Gameplay game, in fact, consists of four parts, it dialogues, the solution of small puzzles, various mini-games, and the solution of large complex puzzles. In General, in dialogues there is almost no situation where Your answer can greatly affect the plot, but from the dialogues can be gleaned a lot of useful information to solve a specific problem or information that will help untangle the case. The Dialogues in the game are spelled out quite well and differ by good voice. Puzzles in the game made different, some focused on attentiveness, some on the logic, and some rely on your knowledge, but if the necessary knowledge in your head is not to despair, usually, somewhere near the game world, there is a book that can help you. Because after the game, you can buy a variety of useful knowledge of history, astronomy or some other science. Despite The fact that the target audience of the game are teenage girls, many of the puzzles and puzzles can be called quite complicated. In Fact, I have not passed any games in this series, without peeping into the passage. The game has a lot of places with a mystical atmosphere and, despite the fact that I know that all this will end quite a logical explanation, the atmosphere of mysticism in some places is just going up. Perhaps, of all the video games this game series is closest to the atmosphere of classical mysticism, although, in fact, the game is a detective. Bottom Line: The Nancy Drew Game series is definitely not for everyone, and even myself I would not be able to enroll in the audience of this game, as it is not really attractive to me. But the dense atmosphere made me interested in this game series. Author's Rating: Not bad
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