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Nasciturus is a action TPS and a prototype for a game that is currently being remade on Unreal 5.1.

It's is as it stands it is just one stage and approximately 15 minutes of gameplay on a "zero deaths" run.

The Plan for the remake is two have 2 full levels, set in large open sandboxes on 4x the size terrain that this version, and some minimal cutscenes explaining the lore. This was my original vision but due to the limitations of Unity and open terrains, and my unwillingness to compromise on graphics the project is being ported over to Unreal in order to achieve its original vision. 

The Unreal version will also be made available for free and I've offered up this version as a way to open up dialog between dev & gamer to learn more about what you like to see in this genre.

Please comment, and if you like follow my YouTube channel as soon I will start a devlog charting the progress of the next version.

  • WASD - Controls
  • R-MOUSE - Aim
  • AIM + L-Mouse - Shoot
  • R - Reload
  • E - Pickup
  • Q - Roll
  • L-Shift - Sprint
  • Space - Jump
  • Z - Aim Down Sights
  • I - Inventory (select weapon you don't want first, then select new)
  • Arrow Right - Change Weapon
Release date
Manifesto Studios
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for PC

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Last Modified: Feb 3, 2023

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