Nenji (Morphy ( O u O )/)

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A simple 2d platformer made with Godot engine and some love ;3

Note: This game is in the very early ( and I do mean VERY EARLY) stage of its development, It's no way near to being finished.

Background Story:
It's 2150, for some reason ninjas are still a thing. The main character Nenji (I know it's a very creative name if i say so myself XD) is a young ninja-wannabe who is training to be a full-fledged ninja, everyday he enters various VR simulations of shinobi training obstacle course designed to teach him the skills needed to become an actual ninja. While training he is often interrupted by his neighbour's daughter Jiji, who unlike Nenji, is already a full-fledged ninja due to her being inherently talented XD (Nenji might need some balm for this burn ( 0 u <) ) She's had a crush on him for as long as she can remember, therefore she always secretly follows  him while he's training and whenever she gets a chance she attacks him, so she can steal a kiss from him uwu (lol I know it's a weird premis but well that's what I'm going for now). On the other hand Nenji only cares about becoming a ninja and therefore he finds Jiji very annoying due her constant interruptions during his training.

Release date
Morphy ( O u O )/
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for PC

System requirements for Linux

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Last Modified: Oct 30, 2020

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