Average Playtime: 4 hours

Nogibator: Way Of Legs

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Роскошная история:
Граница вселенной это вам не хухры-мухры, защищают её гораздо серьёзнее, чем кабак в Криводановке. Да что там таить, границу вселенной защищают покруче, чем что-либо внутри её! Ведь далее параллельные миры начинаются, пакость всякая лезет. Ну и соответственно вы будете эту границу защищать, так подумали вы. Ага, щас! Вы будете играть типом из другого измерения, нефиг там. Он такой огроменный, что он этими вашими галактическими мордами чихает в полдник! Вот решил он перейти грань вселенной и ничего не поделаешь, будет ломиться несмотря на все эти защиты неимоверные. Зачем? А чёрт его разберёт, может ему любопытно просто, что это так сторожат, что поп колокольню. Ну вот в общем поглядим в игре, кто кого!

- 6 боссов
- 16 процедурно комбинируемых типов ножных наростов
- 4 принципиально разных класса врагов, с 6 комбинируемыми способностями
- 15 внутри-игровых ачивок (интеграция со Стимом будет чуть позже)
Release date
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for PC

  • OS: Windows 7
  • Processor: 1 GHz
  • Memory: 512 MB RAM
  • Graphics: Integrated video
  • Sound Card: Integrated audio
Edit the game info
Last Modified: Aug 28, 2019

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25 items
Unhealthy look
Fill all the leg slots with appendages.
I'll tread on you!
Defeat the guardian of the third universal edge
Why so standing?
Stand for one minute at one place.
He got the boot
Defeat the guardian of the fifth universal edge
Pimple Problems
Fill all the leg slots with shooties
view all achievements
15 items

Nogibator: Way Of Legs reviews and comments

Translated by
Microsoft from Russian
Tower Defence on the contrary. We Play a huge creation, and in fact, at our disposal his feet. Our task is to move forward, trampling along the various aliens. But Not everyone can be pressured. There are creatures similar to giant hedgehogs. They certainly should not tread. Yes, and huge, or flying bosses will not trample. In Their Destruction to us will be helped by different manipulators, fastened in special slots on the legs. Some replenish Health, others form power shields, well, and others, these are weapons (guns, lasers). I was fascinated by the game, oddly enough. He didn't notice how he lost six hours. Let's go to the evening.
Translated by
Microsoft from Russian
Product received for free Game is very fun. The Main character is the legs. There are three kinds of improvements, they need to be inserted into slots. Improvements attacking in the form of cannons, protective in the form of power fields and regenerative. We are Slowly moving forward and destroying monsters and bosses. There are some vrazhiny on which it is impossible to tread, it is necessary to shoot. Well, in general there are many subtleties. As you go through the more steep improvements that can then be thrown into the menu. During The battle, you can only insert improvements from the menu, so you have to sacrifice something. Beautiful looks, and most importantly interesting and humorous. Pleased variety of possible combinations.
Translated by
Microsoft from Russian
"Nogibator: Way Of Legs" is an Unusual Tower Defence. Manage the feet of an alien giant who defends the boundaries of the universe. Gameplay: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=94E4W6hTbWM is a Unique game! Have not Yet played a similar Tower Defence. Here instead of placing turrets on the ground, we set them on huge legs and go trample on the space illegals crossing the boundary of the universe. The Turrets here are also unusual. You can hang guns On your feet, install energy shields, health generators, and other expansion modules. The installation requires energy. It can be picked up on the way in huge batteries. As we progress through the new extension modules (in the main menu) are added. There are many Modules, but only 8 types can be selected. The Choice is given to do at the beginning of the game. The Selected modules Obveshivaem the legs and try to pass all six bosses. If not, then start the game from the beginning and again choose 8 modules of those that have managed to unlock. We Try to find the perfect combination of modules and successfully distribute the energy to the installation to pass the game to the end. Unique humorous Tower Defence. Pleased not only the name "Nogibator: Way Of Legs", but also the gameplay. Bend and flood the space illegals! You can read other reviews and subscribe to our curators. Welcome! 5 minutes of game
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