Nomad (itch) (Kneeshaw Devolpments)
*We recommend playing in a downloadable version*
You are a Nomad. A dangerous life in these times. Guard your
Caravan from enemies and safely reach the next town.
Defend the Caravan from enemies, reach towns to get items, units and more gold!
Reach the end with the most amount of points possible.
Unit heal upon reaching towns, do not let them fight to their death.
UI will only show up if units are selected!!
Select units by left clicking or click drag over them.
Units will automatically attack nearby enemies
Unit can be upgraded (Wildcard) by adding Items to their
equipment slots by dragging inventory to a single selected unit (equipment can be found by clicking the bag icon in the bottom right corner).
Start and Stop the Caravan by clicking on the Caravan Button in the bottom right corner or by pressing spacebar
Camera Movement:
Manually control using wasd and arrow keys. Zoom with mouse wheel.
Use the control key to quickly jump to the selected unit or the Caravan
By Charlie Newton and Michael Kneeshaw