Hi there! Just putting this on as a sign of support for my son, who's only 10 years old and has just made his first video game using Unity Playmaker! It's called Noraa and it's an endless space shooter game where you get to pew pew your way through waves of enemy ships.
He's been working hard on it for his year 5 term project and I couldn't be prouder. As his dad and unofficial mentor/QA tester, I can tell you that this game is truly out of this world 😉. So why not give it a try and see how far you can go? And don't worry - I promise he didn't pay me to say that!
He's already planning to make it even better next term, but he needs feedback to take it to the next level. So if you've got a few minutes to spare, please take a break from saving the galaxy and let us know what you think - are the controls too wonky? Are the aliens too easy to defeat? Do you think Noraa needs a spaceship with a mustache? Let us know! We promise we won't blast you with any lasers if you give us some constructive feedback. After all, we're just a fifth-grader and a dad trying to make our way in the world of game development.
Thanks for your help, and happy blasting!