Nova Race

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Nova Race An Arcade Racing Game where you compete against  fellow drivers in the great street tournament of Neon City! The mafia is looking for new drivers... and you look perfect for the job! Win the tournament and become a legend in the roads of the city! Try to get the most points by winning all races, but be careful, you'll be penalized if you lose a single race! Controls You can play with joystick or keyboard! In Game Q - Accelerate O - Turn Left P - Turn Right In Menus 1 - Play / Continue 2 - Controls / Exit to main menu Objective Try to win each race by getting to the end before your opponent! Every race has its own points, and you can try to get the maximum points by not losing any race. If you lose one, don't worry, you can try again, but in the process you'll lose part of the ones you had. Authors Chunky Panda consists of: Laura González Albert Guillermo Puerta Ferrándiz Alberto Belmonte Serna License To make our game, we used the following software: Visual Studio Code: Code editor CPCtelera: Amstrad CPC game engine for C development Arkos Tracker1_0: Music & SFM composing program Tiled: Level editor Aseprite: Animated sprite editor & pixel art tool Our game code has a GPL license Install instructions Real Amstrad CPC:
Load the casette into the device, type RUN"[ENTER] press Play then any key. Amstrad CPC Emulator: You can play the game with an Amstrad emulator. We recommend WinAPE and RVM. Open console and type cpct_rvm NovaRace.cdt for the full experience. You can also play typing cpct_winape NovaRace.cdt. Gesture Our game has a gesture to the first winner of the CPCRetroDev, Lárcena`s Legacy. We've included a little easter egg, in the races there will be a letter that will give you extra points if you take it.
Release date
Chunky Panda
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for Linux

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Last Modified: Nov 4, 2022

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