This game was made for the gamejam at The Gathering, with the theme "Lys og Mørke" (Light and Darkness). I did not get top 3 :c
We had 48 hours to make a game either alone or with a team, but I started late and only used 20 hours alone.
Shoot Light BulletsZKShoot Dark BulletsXLPause gameEscapeRestart Game (when paused)REnd round early (when paused)FMute MusicMMute SoundsN
NB: You are slow! You shoot slow! Time your shots well, because every shot counts!Having music on is recommended, everything moves with the beat, and you fire with at the same rate too.
Defeating an enemy gives you 20 points, damaging it gives you 5 points.
Defeating a whole wave gives you 100 additional points.
Defeating a whole wave without missing any shots gives 20 additional points.
Ramming into an enemy makes you lose 50 points.
Some enemies only appear if you clear the previous wave fast enough, so if you're aiming for the highscore, try to clear waves as fast as possible to get the most amount of points!
Highscores are hosted by globalstats.io
The game was inspired by Ikaruga (2001) and Aladdin's Magic Lamp (1989).
Assets Used
AssetAuthorLicenseBackground musicOblidivmCC-BY 3.0Sound of enemy breakingspookymodemCC-BY 3.0Sound of enemy not breakingBMacZeroCC0Shot soundRobin LambCC0Text Font (Parkesit)nursayFreeware