Nyctophobia (itch) (MichaelKamka)

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It's only natural to fear the dark. But is it really the darkness itself that's feared, or uncertainty of what may hide within?

Nyctophobia is a first-person survival shooter, with a creepy, PS1 inspired aesthetic. Choose an equipment loadout, explore your surroundings, and ready yourself for what comes forth from the darkness around you.

By interacting with a ominous glowing skull at the center of an ancient decaying shrine, you'll call forth a wave of bloodthirsty enemies. The resources you collect through combat will allows you to grow stronger, fortify your surroundings with lights and traps, and hopefully allow you to survive that much longer.

How To Play:

Move: W,A,S,D

Jump: Space

Sprint: Left Shift

Crouch: F

Slide: press Crouch while sprinting

Slide Jump: Jump while sliding

Shoot: Left Click

Active Ability: Right Click

Reload: R

Interact: E

Pause: Esc

Inventory/Sore: I

You can double check the controls at anytime by opening the options menu.

Gameplay Loop:

Once you've interacted with the Odd Skull an enemy wave will be summoned. Once the wave has been cleared, a chest and Heart Key will appear behind the shrine that houses the Odd Skull. Once opened, the chest will spawn 3 random Trinkets to choose from. Each Trinket costs 1 Heart Key. These Trinkets  are one of the primary ways to get more powerful, and allow you to fend of the increasingly more difficult enemy waves. Note - The next enemy wave can't be summoned until you've at least opened the chest by shooting the lock. However, you're not required to pick a trinket at the end of each wave. So if none of them are to your liking, consider simply saving your Heart Key.

Slain enemies may drop gold, which can be spent at the Breaker Box to raise the available grid-power. That grid-power can be used to power lights, traps, or sentry turrets to help fortify your surroundings.

Collected gold can also be spent at the Campfire in front of the shrine. This will create a chunk of meat that can be collected to heal for a small amount. 


Developers Note: Please understand that although I've spent quite a bit of time building this game,  this is still a very early demo. There are many features, options, items, enemies, and other aspects of the game I plan to add, refine, or expand upon. 

There are some know issues and bugs that I've yet to fix, which will be listed on a discussion board below. I wholeheartedly welcome any constructive criticism or critiques you'd like to offer. Additionally, if you happen to find any bugs or issues not already listed, I would greatly appreciate having them brought to my attention. You're welcome to list those issues on the discussion board below, or contact me personally if you have my contact info.

I'll be continuing to update this project as frequently as possible. I'll try to share regular update on the progress here, and on my personal twitter @KamkaMichael  .

To any friends, family, or strangers who've taken the time to taking the time to check out this little passion project of mine - Thank you. It means the world me.

Release date
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for PC

Nyctophobia (itch) (MichaelKamka) screenshot, image №3696414 - RAWG
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Last Modified: Dec 16, 2022

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