Submission for GMTK Jam 2021. Theme: Joined Together
Submission for MiniJam 82: Theme: Doodle, Limitation: Only one room
Content: Do you despise playing scrabble with others? The feeling that everyone knows more words than you? Well, now this time is over. Obgoose is a singleplayer non-competitive scrabble-like game where no one will ever know when you are obtuse.
1. Why am I a goose? Honk! Move by using the arrow keys.
2. My goal? Join letter tiles and form words.
3. What about the points? You score a point, if you are using all letters and build a connected crossword of valid words.
4. The letter tile is in an unreachable position? Push it out of the screen. It will reappear.
5. I got too many bad letters? Push one letter tile into the well. It will punish you by giving two letter tiles back.
Controls: Arrows and Mouse
Idea, art and programming: dunkelgrau
Music: azix
Sound: CC0 assets from https://opengameart.org/
Fonts: DigitalDisco (https://www.dafont.com/digital-disco.font)