Operation PP: Time Flies.

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Game development is hard.

Before committing to Zapling Bygone, I created a ton of "Just for fun" projects. This allowed me to learn the ropes in an environment where it didn't matter if I failed.

I created a load of small throwaway games for the fun of it. Some of these games got lost or deleted, and some were uncovered in the depths of my old harddrive.

I decided to rescue as many of them as I could to share them with you.

It's time for Operation Practice Projects.

The first is game is "Time Flies", a game where you play as a frog where time and gravity changes according to the surface you land on. Your goal is to eat all the flies in each area to unlock the next zone.

Flies act as checkpoints in the zone, and you must eat all the flies to complete the level. If you eat a fly, then you also destroy the checkpoint.

Controls are easy, just click and drag to jump. That's it.

This game is a mess, it's laggy, has no menu, and is about as fun as laying an egg.
Regardless, I wanted to share it with you. Hopefully you can squeeze some entertainment out of it.

None of the games released in Operation PP will be updated in any way, I need to devote all my time to my main project. Zapling Bygone.

Thanks everyone!

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Not rated

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Last Modified: Dec 31, 2021

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