Operator (itch) (skelyvelocirap)
A small game where you operate a nuclear reactor. You are given cards at the beginning of each shift and have to manage the reactor with them. This was heavily inspired by quill 18's game for Ludum dare 48(ldj.am/$241226).
P.S did not have enough time to add a tutorial, therefore....
-Press escape to close
-Click a card to use
-Different cards provide different things(Battery uses fuel to make power, uranium adds fuel, coffee adds energy, snowflakes cool the reactor, draw gives extra cards(up to 7 in a hand), operator can be any)
-Temperature of reactor cannot go above 100% or its immediate loss.
-Power produced is dependent on heat(has to be above 10% heat), the higher the heat the more the power
-Making power generates random amount of heat based on fuel grade(the higher the grade, the less random)
-The x's tell how many days you can go without providing power
-Energy is used when a card is clicked. The number at the top left dictates how much
-The number at the top right of the card is the level. A level two uranium adds two fuel, power two battery uses two fuel, etc...
-A daily quota must be filled or its considered no power for the day. The daily quota is generated randomly.
-Top left dictates current score.
-End shift gives a new hand and replenishes energy back to 3