Play a game about sorting that, instead of focusing on level-based puzzles, goes for point based competition. Or just sort infinitely, because the points aren't important.
In singleplayer, use the arrow keys or ESDF to move and Z/C/N/Left Shift/Tab to swap or select. Q/X/V/M/A will cancel your combotimer.
Enter/P brings up the pause menu.
A simpler way to think about it is: Arrows move. N swaps. M does... stuff. Enter pauses.
In multiplayer, Arrow Keys + N/M is one player and ESDF + Tab/Q is the other. You'll need controllers for the other two players. Or you can use four controllers, one for everyone. Or have three controllers and one keyboard.
Enter still brings up the pause menu, though.
note: this is the official location of this game’s A-series, wish-volo.itch.io/orbsort. if you see it anywhere else, it’s been copied from this page.The only other official version is the P-series, which is on Lexaloffle’s PICO-8 SPLORE. four awesome gamemodesINFINITE
Sort infinitely! Practice getting huge combos. Or just sort your heart out. Nobody cares, and nothing saves! (Except to a small stats menu known as your Collection.)
Sort quickly, sort well, my friend. Aim for huge combos, back-to-back chains, and any other awesome strategy that gets you a huge score within 2 minutes (or 3, or 4, or 5). Go for your high score. Make yourself look awesome.
Combos too complicated? Sorting fast is all that matters here. No setups needed - nail a certain amount of capsules as quick as possible for some amazing Bragging Rights. Play for 8, 16, 32, or 64 clears. Just please don't hurt your hand. Orbsort whiplash is a serious condition.*
*it's not. please make sure you don't get carpal tunnel though. your hands are more important than colored balls. :)
FOUR PLAYER SPLITSCREEN!!! HOLY MOLY!!! (note that you do need controllers if you intend on playing with more than two players. PICO-8 doesn't let me and there's not enough room on the keyboard anyway.) KO your friends as quickly as possible without losing yourself in this surprisingly moderately strategic mode. Keep your health high, your shield even higher, and when everything seems lost, keep making those combos.
Need to learn the game's strange rules? On the first boot of the game, you get a tutorial. (Hit ENTER to skip the tutorial, if you want to.)
Want to change up combos? Head over to Options and change the combotime to your liking! There is ABSOLUTELY NO PENALTY because I DO NOT CARE! This is a game about SORTING! SORT TO YOUR ENJOYMENT!!! (DO IT)
(And you can turn off combos entirely if you want!)
Hate circles? Change the orb set! We've got regular orbs, bubbles, and shapes! (Though all of them have some amount of circle-ry. Deal with it, buddy)
Colorblind? There's a variation of the Shapes set without shadows or highlights that also adds in a bottom bar for the order and changes the icons for the Bag on the top of the screen.
Finally, you can make it so that there's only 6 orbs instead of 8. Color order adjusts for this too, so don't worry about losing color combo c-opportunities.
gamer music- 5 tracks of casual music (Infinite)
- 4 tracks of tense music (Blitz/Clear)
- 2 tracks of Knockout music
- 5 other tracks that exist
(that's 16 tracks!!!!! woow!)
if you download the game i give you all the MP3s for free!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you can listen to them in the app too anyway
please share it with your friends and force them to play Knockout against their will.
Or, if you prefer to not get arrested, feel free to beg them kindly.
or, if you hate Knockout, compete for a good score.
or, if you hate your friends, just keep sorting things out :)