Average Playtime: 3 hours

Orwell: Keeping an Eye On You

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Orwell is a new governmental security program that has the power to survey the online presence of every person in The Nation. It can monitor all personal communications and access any computer. To preserve the privacy of citizens, human researchers examine the data Orwell finds and decide which pieces of information should be passed on to the security forces, and which should be rejected.
Selected from thousands of candidates, you are Orwell’s first human researcher. And when a terror attack rocks the Nation’s capital city of Bonton, Orwell, and you, are immediately put to the test. Starting with a single person of interest, you'll help the security forces build out and profile a network of potential culprits.
But are these people really terrorists? What does the information you reveal to Orwell say about them? What if you find out things about them that not even their loved ones know? What is the real price of maintaining the security that the Nation is yearning for?Key Features
Investigate the digital lives of citizens.
Search web pages, scour through social media posts, dating site profiles, news articles and blogs to find those responsible for a series of terror attacks.
Invade the private lives of suspects.
Listen in on chat communications, read personal emails, hack PCs, pull medical files, make connections. Find the information you need to know.
Determine the relevance of information.
Only the information you provide will be seen by the security forces and acted upon. You decide what gets seen and what does not, influencing how the suspects will be perceived.
Secure the freedom of the Nation.
Find the terrorists so the citizens of the Nation can sleep safe, knowing Orwell is watching over them.
Please note, Orwell includes mature language at multiple points throughout the game as well as mature themes and is not suitable for younger players.

Release date
Osmotic Studios
Fellow Traveller
Fellow Traveller, Surprise Attack
Age rating
13+ Teen
Other games in the series

System requirements for Android

System requirements for iOS

iPad 7 3, iPhone 1 1, iPad Air 2 Cellular, iPad 6 1 1, iPad Mini Retina, iPad 7 5, iPod Touch Sixth Gen, iPad Pro 9.7 Cellular, iPad Mini 4 Cellular, iPad 7 6, iPhone X S Max, iPhone 6, iPad Seventh Gen Cellular, iPad Mini Retina Cellular, iPhone 5s, iPad Seventh Gen, iPad Air 2, iPhone 1 1 Pro Max, iPhone 7, iPhone 7 Plus, iPhone 6 Plus, iPad Pro Second Gen, iPad 8 3 4, iPhone 6s Plus, iPad 7 4, iPad Pro 9.7, iPad Mini 3, iPad Pro, iPhone X R, iPad Air 3, iPad Pro Fourth Gen Cellular, iPod Touch Seventh Gen, iPad Mini 4, iPad Mini 5 Cellular, iPad Pro Second Gen Cellular, iPhone SE, iPhone X S, iPad Air, iPhone 6s, iPad 6 1 2, iPhone 1 1 Pro, iPad 7 1, iPad 8 1 2, iPad Air Cellular, iPhone SE Second Gen, iPad 8 5 6, iPad Mini 3 Cellular, iPad Pro Fourth Gen, iPhone 8 Plus, iPhone X, iPad Pro Cellular, iPad 7 2, iPad 8 7 8, iPad Air 3 Cellular, iPhone 8, iPad Mini 5

System requirements for PC

  • OS: Windows XP SP2+
  • Processor: 2.0 GHz
  • Memory: 4 GB RAM
  • Graphics: GPU: DirectX 9 compatible
  • DirectX: Version 9.0
  • Storage: 3 GB available space

System requirements for macOS

  • OS: Tested on Mac OS X 10.10.5
  • Processor: 2.0 GHz
  • Memory: 4 GB RAM
  • Graphics: GPU: OpenGL 3.2+
  • Storage: 3 GB available space

System requirements for Linux

  • OS: Tested on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS
  • Processor: 2.0 GHz
  • Memory: 4 GB RAM
  • Graphics: GPU: OpenGL 3.2+
  • Storage: 3 GB available space
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Last Modified: Mar 25, 2025

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Like nocturnal shadows
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No hunter can shoot them
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Win the war.
I think what I want
Don't read minds.
My wish and desire
Keep quiet about the intention.
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Orwell: Keeping an Eye On You reviews and comments

Orwell, or "I've never felt better and worse about prying into people's private lives!". A terrific storyline, endearing characters, and a pretty scary world. Many choices, many endings, a good life span... recommend.
this gamme is really good
Translated by
Microsoft from Deutsch
Product received for free A Marketplace of a European-style city. Street Cafes, Shops, a Monument and Pigeons. People rush to the Bus, stroll into the Shops and walk their Ways as an Explosion shakes the Square, ripping passers-by to their Deaths. A Terrorist attack – and more are expected. There have already been Demonstrations in the past Against the Ruling party's new Security Law, now Violence and Fatalities. The Government is in Need of Explanation and, for the First time, is using the Secretly developed "Orwell" surveillance System, which is supposed to drive the Investigation into Cyberspace in Real time. As An Orwell player, you're one of those Investigators and thus Part of the Surveillance. Developed by the small Osmotic Studios in Hamburg, the Game Orwell depicts a World in which total Surveillance is commonplace and the Privacy of the individual has been sacrificed to supposed Freedom and Counterterrorism. On mere Suspicions, Profiles are created and data is collected, connections are drawn, And Dossiers are expanded. The Player's Job is to scour Websites, social Media and emails and transfer important Data to the Orwell system. The Player penetrates deeper and deeper into the Private Life of the Supervised persons and encounters the first Dilemma from The beginning: Once transferred data cannot be removed from the System. Every Action, every decision, every Fragment Of data has Consequences. At the Latest when Collecting the Data, the Player catches himself as he has his own Prejudices, sets preferences and prefers individual Figures. If a Character appears sympathetic, the Player may omit a spicy, potentially discrediting detail; In doing so, however, suspicious Persons pass on every discriminatory Detail. The Consequences of this are immediate and untaxable for the Player. The Inferences from the Data Fragments draw others in the Monitoring System, it is not the Player himself who links Circumstantial evidence and instructs Warrants. It therefore always remains for the Player, in addition to the uncomfortably voyeuristic aspect, the bland resonating Taste of Doubt. Heavily transmitted Data can lead to The Arrest of an Innocent or prevent an Attack. Data in Orwell decides the Future of Human Lives. Even though Orwell accepts the Need for a certain Degree of state Security Structures, the Game is based on a clear and persuasive Commitment to a free exchange of Opinions and a free Internet. At The same time, the Action illustrates how People are assessed and categorized On the basis of previous Actions and how unthinking statements can have a negative impact on the Future. With his political Message, which Developer Daniel Marx sees more as a Reminder to cautious handling of personal Data on the Web, Orwell recalls the banal, everyday Terror of Papers, Please, but without drawing an equally grim Dystopia. The World of Orwell is not a fascistoid Injustice State, but a modern, colorful Democracy. The fact that the Player is not a resistance fighter, but a Geavenary in the Apparatus allows him an immersive And multi-layered perspective. It is ultimately incumbent on him in which Direction and how strongly the Pendulum between personal Freedom and government Surveillance is. At the Same time, however, he cannot completely refuse to accept the System, since he himself is a Part of it and depends on its Success. (Full Review: "Orwell": Be the Big Brother [paginasecunda.wordpress.com])
WELL that was an intense game. I'm super impressed with how it all ran (the mechanics were a little confusing at times but like. Persistence is key also the narrative was so good)
Summary: Although the beginning was slow, once you get past ep 2, Orwell is an amazing game. Full of moral and informational dilemmas.

Intensive: Orwell puts you, the player into to the position of big brother. You are an investigator with access to everything that you need. You decide what gets put into "The System" (AKA: Orwell) or what gets left out. Your actions or lack there of causes real consequences to the story. The characters develop in a way more like a novel than a game and the ending is (depending on what you have already discovered) quite a plot twist. Although you may have to restart the game at a point (It will be evident, saying what point would spoil the story). All in all, Orwell starts out slowly and builds up to an amazing story with a surprising end. You could spend hours just looking through all of the minute details of the characters lives.
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