Our Rightful Place Among The Stars
In "Our Righful Place Among The Stars" you play as NASA, competing with 3 other space programs to colonize the solar system.
Move the camera with left-click and drag. Zoom/unzoom with mouse wheel.
Shoot spacecrafts with right click. Aim with your mouse cursor.
If you land on a planet you will gather data concerning this planet.
Your rival can lower your planetary data by landing on the planet.
If you have at least 2 data and you have upgraded your spacecraft (technologies panel) you can colonize a planet by landing on it again.
Colonies level 1 have 2 years worth of resources. To prevent them from being destroyed you have to ressupply them.
Every 3 supplies a colony uprgades, until it is autonomous (lvl 3) and doesn't need any additionnal supply.
Your budget is renewed every year.
To pause game click on "instructions" button. To exit: "instruction"=>"exit"=>"close"