Out of Sight (itch) (patetfisk, Damien Hallstrom, Simon Norrmén, Clara Cox, Morathic, Renuilz, PerHallros)
Team Members
Design Per Hallros, Damien Hallström, Mattias Nordebäck, Sigge Lindberg
Art Simon Norrmén, Clara Cox, Eric Östlund, Andrea Rossino
By picking up, carrying and placing the teddy bear at different locations you gain new perspectives around the house. Don’t walk too far away from your teddy’s eyes though, since the kidnapper could be right around the corner.
Set in 1980's Sweden. As the girl with her teddy you need to solve the puzzles that will allow you to escape your kidnapper’s house. This eerie stealth game challenges you with a remarkable new camera mechanic that lets you control your character independently from their own point of view.
Throughout the game, you will discover interesting new ways which you can use the teddy’s eyes to your advantage, as you try to avoid the kidnapper while finding a way out.
This game was created in six weeks by a team of 8 people from the FG21ST class at the Futuregames school in Stockholm.
Per Hallros - Product Owner, Game & UX Designer.
Damien Hallström - Game Designer & Programmer.
Mattias Nordebäck - Game & Level Designer.
Sigge Lindberg - Game & Sound Designer.
Simon Norrmén - Art Director & Environment Artist.
Clara Cox - Environment Artist.
Eric Östlund - Character Artist.
Andrea Rossino - Prop Artist.
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