Over The Edge
Take control of a crazy grave robber bird equipped with a modified leaf blower, blast your three competitors off the hovering chessboard and become a casual master strategist! With a session length of only two minutes, OVER THE EDGE is designed for commuters with good timing and couch strategists with little free time.
OVER THE EDGE is a student project that was developed with the Unity Engine at the Games Academy Berlin within 10 weeks by a 4-persons team called BRUNCHTIME STUDIO.
Genre:Hyper Casual MulitplayerPlatforms:Smartphones (Android)
Player count:
1 - 4 (Online-Multiplayer)Target group:
Casual competitors and hobby strategistsSetting:Animal adventurers in a floating temple ruinArtstyle:Low-polyCamera view:
IsometricControls:Touch (swiping with one finger)Engine:Unity 3D
Manuel MichelGame Designer, Project Manager, Sound DesignerCenk Melzer
Programmer Kay Hennig
ProgrammerRené Rittmann
3D Artist
The game was developed for Android Phones. You can download the app directly from the Google Play Store for free: playote.brunchtimestudio.com