Overclock is a fast paced, first person shooter that allows you to slow time in a small bubble around you. Manipulating the firefight in a unique and interesting way.
Note: Overclock was originally created for a class on System Design and is therefore only a prototype of the mechanic, not a full game. Although I do hope to develop it further soon!
IntentUsing a traditional FPS combined with a mechanic that allows the player to freeze their own bullets in the air and release them at will, I intend to create a FPS that asks the player to use planning and forethought in addition to good aim and quick reaction time.
My goal was then to create a system that provided the player with fast paced FPS combat, while still challenging the player to think critically about combat. In exchange for thinking critically the system should give the player the time they need to analyze the situation and as many attempts as they need to get it right. The system should reward the player with progression when they think critically, not punish them for failing to do so. The player’s solving a combat puzzle, the player is trying to figure out how to use the tools they have to overcome overwhelming odds.
CONTROLS WASDMove the playerMouseAim and look aroundLeft ClickShootHold Right Click OverclockRReset SceneEscapeExit Game