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Hitman: Codename 47

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The game that started the Hitman franchise. The protagonist is a talented yet nameless hitman, known only by his code number 47. He has no past, as he is a clone created by a mad scientist. In the beginning, 47 is being held in a mental hospital, before he escapes to become a killer for hire. His job is to eliminate high-ranking mafia bosses for large sums of money while attracting as little attention as possible. His missions may initially seem unrelated, but the plot eventually ties everything together.

Hitman has to use precise timing, unconventional tactics, and stealth skills to get to his targets and neutralize their bodyguards. He can attack from behind, use sniper's rifles, machine guns, or even improvised weapons, such as a halter. There are usually many ways to accomplish every murder. An important part of the gameplay is disguise: Hitman can attack people and steal their clothes to blend into any environment. Dead or unconscious bodies of Hitman's victims can be dragged away and hidden to avoid raising an alert. Money earned from previous missions can be used to buy additional killing equipment. Hitman may also lose a part of his reward if he kills civilians on a mission.

Release date
IO Interactive
Square Enix, Eidos Interactive
Age rating
17+ Mature

System requirements for PC

  • IBM PC or 100% compatible
  • Microsoft Windows 95/98/ME
  • Pentium II 300 MHz
  • 64 MB System RAM
  • 100% DirectX 7.0a-compatible 3d Accelerated Card with 12MB VRAM
  • 100% DirectX 7.0a-compatible Sound Card
  • 400Mb free uncompressed hard drive space
  • 100% Windows 95/98/ME compatible mouse and keyboard
  • Pentium III equivalent or greater
  • 128 MB System RAM
  • 100% DirectX 7.0a-compatible 3d Accelerated Card with 32 MB VRAM
  • 100% DirectX 7.0a-compatible Sound Card
  • 400 MB free uncompressed hard drive space
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Last Modified: Mar 18, 2025

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Hitman: Codename 47 reviews and comments

Interesting as an artifact and a milestone on the road of development for Hitman games. Only worth playing if you've played all the others.
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Microsoft from Deutsch
Is Hitman: Codename 47 a Masterpiece? No. Is it a good Game? Yes. Would I pay more for it than I did in the Steam Summer Sale? No. Why? The Controls: The first Hitman is old .. Really old. This is already evident from the Controls that will confuse every Player at the Beginning. Something like that leads to Patches every now and then in the Mission, which unfortunately usually leads to The failure of the whole Level. That also brings me straight to point two. The Difficulty level: The Game is less challenging more unfair. The Reason for this is, on the one hand, the Non-existent Checkpoint system, which would have saved immensely in frustration, on the other hand the almost ridiculous Respapt Mechanics. If you Die in a Mission, you will reappear on the Map at a certain Point, but all Guards will remain on Alert, which will result in being changed again in the Blink of An Eye. The whole thing still without Checkpoints leads to Teeth grinding and Tantrums. Outdated Technology and Game Mechanics: If all this were not already nice enough, even smaller Bugs lead to The situation where you can only cancel the Mission. Add to that the AI is damn sensitive. In one Mission, it doesn't bother an Idiot to push your Colleague a few Feet further, in another everyone raced out the same just because you're carrying a different Weapon than the Guards. On Top of that, Hitman unfortunately plays himself a bit stiff. Often it happens that you stand too close or too far away from a Guard, and therefore she gets Wind of it that you want to get her on the Collar. All of the Above points lead to an extremely frustrating Gaming Experience. So why do I recommend this Game in the first place? The green one is the Music, which really fits atmospherically and harmoniously with every Level. Even the Level Design is pretty, and for the old Graphics really nicely peppered with Details. Although some Actions can be performed very Stiffly and often lead to Frustration, it is all the more Fun if the whole Plan works and you can complete the Mission in one Go without even having been discovered once. It's cool to explore the Environment to find out what is the best Way to achieve your Goal, and even better even when it works out. All in all, I liked the Game and I'm already looking forward to trying out the second Part. I recommend that You buy game right in The Bundle with the other Parts of the Series, because more than a few Euros I wouldn't spend on that show my top Points are already sufficient. However, all People should be warned that Hitman: Codename 47 is not a Sugar Scare.
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